Forum Post: Right wing liars and Koch suckers
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 8:35 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Shortly after the President was elected there was a rumor going around that guns would be banned. Spin meisters for gun and ammunition manufacturing no doubt had a field day. Just for fun I did a Google, the results are fascinating:
- These are the Google search terms and result: Obama will ban guns ammo price
Obama Will Ban Firearms, Ammo, Gun Shows, Gun Stores Nov 1, 2008 - 4 min - Uploaded by ExcellentAmerican
What Stimulated the Gun and Ammo Market? Mar 5, 2009 – To both questions I say, "No, there is no gouging, prices will probably fall in the future."
Fear and Greed Have Sales of Guns and Ammo Shooting Up Apr 16, 2009 – Purchases of guns and ammunition are surging across the country, a rally ... and speculation of an assault-weapon ban has raised the prices and value of ...
EPA Considering Ban on Traditional Ammunition — Take Action Aug 25, 2010 – Gun Control End-run: EPA considering banning Ammo ... Obama's govt goes around every legal or constitutional meaans to get what he ... It will even cost the country more money in the end just to enforce a rule such as this ... : NRA Targets Obama Sep 22, 2008 – ... that Obama plans to ban handguns, hunting ammo and use of a gun for home defense. ... The NRA announced it will spend $40 million during this year's .... Karl Rusch: I gotta tell you, with the high cost of gas and just about ...
Right wing liars and Koch suckers have no conscience and know no fear of the public.
The PublicMind poll by Farleigh Dickinson University
in New Jersey showed that of all the news channels out there, Fox News viewers are the least informed.
People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed. In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all and they were also less likely than any other group analyzed to have forms of higher education. Readers of The New York Times, USA Today and listeners to National Public Radio were better informed about international events than other media outlets.
In one major example, New Jersey poll participants were questioned about the outcome of the so-called Arab Spring uprisings in North Africa earlier in the year. Non-Fox News viewer statistics showed 53% know that Egyptians were successful in overthrowing dictator Mubarak.
48% know that the Syrian uprising has thus far been unsuccessful in ousting Assad. But Fox News viewers showed 37% know that Egyptians overthrew their government 42% know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government thus suggesting a daily dose of sound bytes from CNN at the gym, and headlines from Google News were enough to surpass what average Fox viewers knew about current events.
“Because of the controls for partisanship, we know these results are not just driven by Republicans or other groups being more likely to watch Fox News,” said Dan Cassino, a professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson and an analyst for the PublicMind Poll. “The results clearly prove that there is something about watching Fox News that fundamentally leads people to be mis-informed – even compared to those who don’t watch any news at all.”
This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers more misinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from the University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe lies and false information about politics and world events.
I would laugh, but it isn't funny.
This wasn't the first study demonstrating this effect, was it?
Only a post for those interested in using INTELLECTUAL honesty to review the actual survey questions: rather than believing in the "spin" used in the report on the actual survey, which is what hit the airwaves.
Note-"spin" is used even in the "official report" written up by Farleigh Dickinson University-just like it was by bensdad above. HOW?
The actual names of the Egyptian and Syrian leaders-"Hosni Mubarak" and "Bashir Al-Assad" were not included in the actual question posed to those surveyed. Nor were they referred to by title or as individuals. the EXACT questions were:
"To the best of your knowledge, have the opposition groups protesting in Egypt been successful in bringing down the regime there"
"How about the opposition groups in Syria? Have they been successful in bringing down the regime there?"
Why does it matter? Because an INFORMED person would know that the removal of Hosni Mubarak alone, would not result in the collapse of "his regime". FACT: Opposition groups in Egypt are STILL fighting TODAY to get rid of the REGIME of which Mubarak was only the HEAD. An informed viewer who KNEW that Mubarak was only the head and start of the process would have answered differently when asked about "the regime" than they would when asked about "the President or "the leader". (Think about it-if President Obama was impeached, or assassinated, or removed from office, average Americans would NOT say that the US Government itself had been overthrown)
In that view, the report skewed the results obtained by the survey. You can't ask one question using certain words, and then report the answers to that question using different words. It's simply dishonest.
I LOVE the Koch brothers!!!!!
More evidence that republican success depends on a sufficient percentage of the population remaining in a state of perpetual stupidity.
absolutely scary, ain't it?
And dangerous. I mean, republicans treat things like "creation science" (a contradiction in terms) as a right. As if teaching our children erroneous pseudoscience should be viewed as a right? This may have worked in a much less enlightened world, but it won't work anymore. We won't be a successful country if half of our citizens are indoctrinated in anti-intellectualism, pseudoscience, etc.
I agree.
And yet they make pseudoscience a matter of policy, and not just with education, but with issues like the health affects of tobacco - as demonstrated by the movie Inside Job; and global warming . . .
This is fear mongering which appallingly is how the repugs rally their minions. It's disgusting but then there's nothing the repugs won't do to get elected.
the drumbeat of fear was constant under Bush - tone and volume oscillating with every election and every major bill
Now the fear is much more apparent under Odumbazz
Obama was gonna ban guns ?
how is Koch involved ?
the President may have made statements supporting gun legislation in the past, haven't paid close attention.
At one point after he was elected there was some legislation put forward apparently - this comment may shed some light on that aspect, but may be a bit misleading. If the legislation is as that poster said, then it was clearly designed to fail.
The Tea Party was in an uproar over the issue - and they dwelt deeply enough into the paranoid end that the price of ammunition went way up - demand outpaced supply as the fearful began hording.
And as for the tea party . . . .
we know who the TeaParty is:
The Billionaires TeaParty
The New Yorker - Covert Operations
Chomsky on The Tea Party v The Occupy Movement
More on the TeaParty:
InformationClearingHouse Jan.'11
And Chomsky on RonPaul
The Billionaires TeaParty
I used to collect petition signature for money
the initiatives where overly complex and presented in an over simplified way
but the money was good
if one could find an initiative one likes
good luck
It's sad that anyone in OWS supports the Goldman Sachs president, Obama.
there is not a repelican candidate qualified to serve the interests of the people. They are not qualified on the basis of their own party policy, ideology, and affiliations.
The President, however, did just say No, to the KeyStone Pipeline. It isn't the end of the story on that issue - but perhaps it is the beginning of the end.
there is not a repelican candidate qualified to serve the interests of the people////////////////////////////////////////////Right now the goon in charge is also not qualified, so what's your point???
umm, actually my point is that the current President is far more qualified than any candidate you can name.
you are just another mud slinger - hence the handle, and I don't really see much future in debate with yet anther lying fool . . .
Yes Mr shoe shine is over qualified, that is why he has the economy in the ditch eh???
Turning to racial stereotype as opposed to any evidence whatsoever.
and yet another fine example of why
Yes Odumbo is doing a remarkable job. He has hints of Lincoln, FDR, and the fascist Wilson. Rounded off with Carter, and a strong finish of Marx.
In Farleymowat I detect hints of Mickey Mouse, Looney Toons and the liar Pinocchio. Rounded off with Brutus, and a strong finish of Dumbo.
His name is John Bassist and he is either a complete sociopath or a bipolar in the manic stage. At any rate, he has an endless library of user names and is psychologically impaired. Please don't clog the forum with feeding the trolls.
Most right-wing trolls are psychologically impaired. If he has an endless library of user names that's pretty strange, unless he's getting paid for it.
this whole business of lying for profit is strange - surreal even
But the movie Inside Job makes it clear that conservative repelican attorneys have been at it for decades
beginning with their defense of the tobacco industry . . .
It is hard to reconcile with their obstinate insistence on family values
family values
completely incongruous, and thus, totally surreal . . . .
Lying for profit surreal? It seems to be almost commonplace in America. Wall Streeters lie to their investors, lenders lie to home buyers and encourage home buyers to lie on their loan applications. The entire financial crises can be blamed on greed and a lack of truth. Surreal? I wish it were surreal but it is all too real.
well, yeah, there is that -
but at some point the result becomes a widespread denial of reality
when masses of people begin claiming that what Is simply isn't
then I begin to wonder about the long term viability of the species . . . .
I don't think that worry is unfounded. It is incredible to me the extent our government is captive to special interests. They are ignoring science in pursuit of short-term gains. When did we become so short-sighted? Maybe it's just a matter of the people in Washington.
Here's a short list of reality denial:
Gulf War Syndrome
Global Warming
U.S. Debt - we can kick that can right on down the road
President Obama's financial policy caused the economic problem
Ray-gun-omics is good for you
Your being much too hard on them Zen! They can't help it if all they have to fight with are Lie's. Wait a minute I'm mistaken. They really could open their eye's acknowledge the truth and then send off a fire storm of protest to those they are supporting.
So....that being said.
Carry On!!!!!!!!!!!!
well ok then . . ..
Dog good to here from you!
For the rest of you just checking in:
Unite in common cause. Hate the things that are wrong in this world. Support each-other in making things right. This is where the healing will begin.
The Government of "The People" by "The People" for "The People"
We are the 99%. Take part in "The Peoples" Lobby.
Take action. See samples of how below.
192,815 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 8:27am central time 01/22/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures. We picked one up at around 11:07am 01/16/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
religion being used to pull the heart strings of the masses while picking their pockets? who would do such a thing?!
ahhhhh. That explains why I've always been a liberal. Thanks for clearing that up :)
lbj was a liberal - so as nixon!
only the angry or the completely delusional ever vote repelican . . .
Aren't you a Soros operative? The leftists like you can accept pay, but you criticize righties when they accept pay. Come on now Zenny, start being intellectually honest.
I wish I was getting paid . . . It'd be awfully nice . . .
the repelican party is DONE
Sort of like the Breck girl John Edwards?
Newt is perhaps a more relevant example - yet I see you didn't use him . . ..
hence, just another partisan hack
And I was actually thinking of a whole other set of lies altogether . . .
That is rich, family values is a bad thing? Oh i get it you want a job with TSA to feel-up little kids. Also you call them replicans, so in turn you want to kill people with family values. Are you a serial killer?
So, I'm just curious. Do you ACTUALLY think that because the Repubs say they're all about "family values", that means they really are? How many of them have to choke on those words. Let's just say there are some hypocrites on both sides and some moral people on both sides. Would that be so crazy? Problem is the extreme conservatives love to characterize Dems as "Godless." Um, that makes them sound stooooopid. I'm an independent but I did vote for Obama, who, whatever else you can say about him is obviously a great family man.
I have not like the Dem's or Rebups for quite sometime now. Ill use NDAA2012 and the Patriot Act as an example of why they both suck. Notice Ron PauI's vote on both the issues, that why i am voting for him.
more like a cereal killer,......he hates cheerios.
How is that strange? Less than honest yes, strange is the wrong word. Are you new to the web?
I don't know anybody with a library of identities, so strange would be the right word.
Come on now Dick, don't make up lies. I've never played bass.
Come on take another hit girl. Farley was speaking hard truth. You can't disagree with truth can you?
Nice one Girlyman. However correct me if I am wrong.
You need to quit listening to Limbaugh, while watching the food network.
You're more confused than ever.
Perhaps you need to quit watching hardball with Chris "I'll have another drink" Matthews.
I don't watch TV.
I also understand that Alex Jones is for entertainment only.
Zendouche is not interested in any candidate unless they are hardcore leftists. He even goes around as a Fidel Castro look alike.
The President is actually a centrist - one who has repeatedly called for compromise - I do hope that once he is reelected he will feel free to dispense with such nonsense - it is clear that there can be no compromise with fools who would dismantle every proper function of government in favor of a completely deregulated private industry . . .
Were I as far left as you suggest - then indeed, I would be intent on defeating this President in favor of someone much more like myself - someone intent on
throughout our society, of liars, birchers, bushite, and other assorted
Centrist? Center between what, communism and socialism? You are probably correct about that. Odumbo and his leftist hacks had 2 years to pass whatever the hell they wanted. These psycho ideologues could not even pass a budget, as required by law.
That is a grotesque over simplification of the legislative process, fails to consider the various parliamentary procedures available to repelicans while they were in minority, and does not examine the positions of those dems on any issue whatever - who later lost their seats to tea party koch suckers slavering over the raging hardon of wealth thrust into the public chambers . . .
Fact zenpuppy. Sorry to confuse you with them. We don't have a parliament. Go watch cspan when the house of commons in on.
I see that facts are not only not your strong suit, you also quite apparently know less about how our government functions than I do.
Here, permit me to provide what assistance I may . . .
. . .to curb your ignorance . . .
Jefferson's Manual
Manual of Parliamentary Practice for the Use of the Senate of the United States, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1801, is the first American book on parliamentary procedure. As vice-president of the United States, Jefferson served as the Senate's presiding officer from 1797 to 1801. Throughout these four years, Jefferson worked on various texts and, in early 1801, started to assemble them into a single manuscript for the Senate's use. In 1801 he decided to have the manuscript printed.
The manual is arranged in fifty-three categories from (1) The Importance of Rules to (53) Impeachment. Each section includes the appropriate rules and practices of the British Parliament along with the applicable texts from the U.S. Constitution and the thirty-two Senate rules that existed in 1801.
Parliamentary Procedure or Parliamentary Law
Parliamentary procedure is the body of rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, and other deliberative assemblies. It is part of the common law originating primarily in the practices of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, from which it derives its name.
In the United States, parliamentary procedure is also referred to as parliamentary law, parliamentary practice, legislative procedure, or rules of order. In the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other English-speaking countries it is often called chairmanship, chairing, the law of meetings, procedure at meetings, or the conduct of meetings
All from Wiki -
Jefferson's Manual
Parliamentary Procedure or Parliamentary Law
You Go Dog! I truly respect and admire your on-going education of those who are unaware or are seemingly so. Anyway lots of good material for all who do not have an agenda other than to make things better.
Thanks for the education err.. enlightenment oh zenmaster.
Why don't you jump off your roof head first? I am sure no one will miss you.
perhaps one day I will do something like that -
but certainly not on your account, fukwad
I could give you a push if you like.
Ya I seen his mugshot and thank God they do not allow pics on here anymore
Definitely a dog without any zen.
yes, for me its sad that i voted un-informed. but dont they say" keep your enemy closer" because of the appointment and the lies he and goldman sac became exposed, right? and doesn't this show that OWC and others like us are working on the exposure and knowledge of such corruption? now, you blame obama for the appointment, but i praise his mistake for the truth.
the Koch suckers will eat their own spawn!!
Tweet that.
the repelican party has got to go!
Hey ho
hey ho
the repelican party has got to go!
yes they do.
I had forgotten about this post. It isn't on my list . . .
I noticed that I hadn't responded earlier to this post and thought that I should.
well thanks - how did you find it?
I so usersearched your name. :D
I see we have repelicans running around voting down comments . . .
they really can't read the writing on the wall, can they . . .
At least it keeps them busy
I think it's funny. They look like jackasses. The criminal element should consider packing up and leaving ASAP. They are running out of time.
they just aren't that smart
and boring, too.
Obama We can take Unemployment from 6 % to 9%...Yes we can
We can take gasoline from $1.80 to $3.50/gal…..Yes we can
We can increase the national debt by $ 5 Trillion in 3 years…...Yes we can
We can get more people on welfare & food stamps…Yes we can
We can double the number of homes in foreclosure…Yes we can
We can eliminate 2 Million jobs from this country…Yes we can
We can give away $ 500 Million to Solyndra…..Yes we can
We can fly all over the country Campaigning on Air Force One…Yes we can
We can visit all 57states….Yes we can
We can down grade the US credit rating for the first time in history…Yes we can
We can increase the cost of heating oil to over $ 3.00 a gallon…Yes we can
We can decrease the sales of homes to its lowest level in 20 years.....yes we can
We can play the race card any time we want…Yes we can
We can run this economy without a budget...Yes we can
We can pass laws without Congress…Yes we can
We can create a health care bill that nobody wants…..Yes we can
We can cut our Military leaving the country weak…Yes we can
We can sit idly by while Iran builds nuclear weapons…Yes we can
We can discourage any drilling for oil in the US….Yes we can
We can go to Hawaii anytime we want For Free…..Yes we can
We can quit smoking cigarettes…ooops….No we can’t
And here we have another classic example of what exactly, is wrong with the repelican party and a clear demonstration of why, precisely, their reign over American politics is DONE.
Repelicans cannot debate on the issues - the facts do not support them.
Their only recourse is to engage in lies, spin, historical revision, and distortions of reality, it is the only way to get people to support their policy.
It is quite clear -
the costs of gas and heating oil - mentioned twice in the list, to fatten this list and increase its prominence - is directly related to three things
Peak oil production -
geopolitical instability in regions of oil production
oil futures speculation
And the health care bill, cited as a bill no one wants - here is a simple, blatant lie. I want it. I know a lot of people who do. In fact, there are so many that do want it it passed Congress -
but go ahead. Lie some more.
Down grading the U.S. economy -
but go ahead, and lie to us some more
and boring, too. :D
Did you want some attention?
allah you righties can kiss my ass
Where do I start? You're all ass.
Looks like the conservatives "own" this forum now
could be . . .
do you really think that matters?
bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha . bwa hahaha ha . bwa haha ha . . . BWA HA hahahaha .
So, members of the Obama administration were lying when they said they would ban certain types of weapons?
You're right, the right wingers are stupid. They're stupid to take a member of the Obama administration at their word.
I'm on dial-up.
I'm willing to bet that refers to a proposal to ban assault weapons, muzzle flash suppression, and extra large clips . . .
Much different from a complete ban on weapons, and hardly any reason for the rampant paranoia that swept the ranks of right wing militias and other nimrods, stockpiling ammo in the abject terror that it wasn't going to be available any more . . .
fuckin gun and ammo manufacturers must have been laughing all the way to the bank on that one . . .
I was never worried in the least - I figure 900 rounds is more than enough during any shortage . . ..
Okay. Apparently you have never studied US firearms law. If you recall H.R. 1022, the renewed "assault weapons" ban of a few years ago, the language in it would clearly ban pump hunting shotguns and semiautomatic pistols, not "assault weapons". The only weapons people would be guaranteed to be protected were single shot rifles that need to be completely reloaded after every shot. Bad luck if you miss the attacking bear on the first shot....
So, you can probably see (scratch that, I wouldn't bet on it) why people get nervous when a politician promises to renew the "assault weapons" ban.
As a matter of fact I did miss that legislation - who wrote it?
I mean, seriously - who wrote it?
If it is as you say, then the design of the legislation was to fail - it is hard to insist that such legislation was anything other than intended to fail.
Who wrote it?
To answer your first question, representative Carolyn Mccarthy of New York sponsored the bill in the 110'th congress. To answer your second question, representative Carolyn Mccarthy of New York sponsored the bill. To answer your third question, representative Carolyn Mccarthy of New York sponsored the bill.
It had 67 Co-sponsors in the US house including Rahm Emanuel, who of course became Barack Ocorporate's chief of staff. So you can see why people get nervous when members of the Obama administration promise to ban certain types of weapons.
To sponsor a bill is not necessarily the same as having written it, so I'm not at all clear that you have addressed that point.
Of those 67 co-sponsors - how many had or made investments in the manufacture of munitions . . .
I'm not sure the exact author of the bill is available knowledge. I looked... but using the same argument that Ron Paul wrote the racist newsletters, Carolyn McCarthy and 67 other US Reps wrote the bill since their names are on it. McCarthy has been a proponent of gun control going back to 1997.
well good for her. I'm certain once we finally decide on a national policy regarding recreational substances that actually makes sense we will see an end of 14 year olds purchasing guns off the black market with the proceeds of their drug sales . . . .
Good for her? You mean you do want to ban weapons other than assault weapons? This bill would have banned weapons you probably have. I agree about drug policy.
I would be just as happy to have several varieties of fully automatic machine guns myself. .30 buzz saws and the like.
But we all know I'm insane.
And yes, good for her. She has an opinion, and isn't afraid to voice it - certainly something needs to be done about violence in the inner cities. If the NRA got on board with that simple fact maybe something practical could be accomplished.
Unfortunately the NRA has their policy agenda dictated by the likes of Remington, the company that cannot spend five goddamned cents per weapon to ensure their safety mechanism actually works on the model 700 rifle - which they are providing to the Pentagon under contract.
the fuckers
How about left wing liars and Obama suckers, why are you wasting your time playing these partisan games attacking the republicans when the democrats are just as bad on almost every issue?...Obama is a wall street stooge, the democratic party is a corporate party.....the health care bill is a hand out to corporations, it requires people to buy private health insurance and does nothing to control costs.......democrats these days are just republicans that pretend to stand for working people.....and Obamas foreign policy is just as bad if not worse than the Bush administration......kudos to Bill Maher who called his audience a bunch of brain washed liberals the other night, after they failed to applaud his criticism of Obamas foreign policy
The dems do not stand shoulder to shoulder and lie with party unity . . . .
yes they do NDAA2012 is proof
If you examine the NDAA you will find it results from confusion over whether we will treat terrorists as Prisoners of War, or as Criminals. This confusion in fact dates back several years - and if you want to include the Patriot Act as illustration of some of that confusion, then you can say it dates back to September 11, 2001.
The apparent shoulder to shoulder stance of dems with repelicans on this issue is more indicative of the depth of control over the public mind on matters of defense and national security the repelicans wield as opposed to any ideological determination to fuck the public on the part of the dems.
They are just timid, and luke warm on such issues, afraid of public perceptions
It allows the government to bypass due process and you know it. I remember you saying you liked it because you fascists will use it to get "replicates". Should i pull up the quote, mini Obama?
If you have a quote then of me clearly indicating that I like NDAA then yes, I want to see the quote and a link to the original.
It does allow the government to bypass due process - prisoners of war are not granted due process.
I have repeatedly stated that terrorists are criminals, not warriors -
I have also stated that I resent the very idea that terrorists are considered warriors in any way shape or form.
So you go find that little like because I really would like to see it.
US citizens are always supposed to have due-process ALWAYS. If you have no evidence of guilt then you must acquit.
You said you have a link showing that I clearly stand in favor of NDAA -
I want to see it.
Show me
or step the fuck off
it will take awhile to find it, then you will edit it but i will find it. Why does it matter though you are supporting it now by defending it dumb ass. Do you deny you have said you would like to make "replicates" disappear?
No I won't edit it - I will let it stand and you will eat your own words.
No, I do not defend it - I simply place it in its proper perspective - a necessity if we are to successfully over turn this policy. . . . dumb ass . . .
Yes I do - the term is repelicans
and I would indeed purge this nation of the liars, the birchers, the bushite, and other assorted koch suckers
I would sell the concept to the NSA for example - on the basis of national interest and security - one look at the current repelican process of tanking the economy in favor of electoral strategy runs completely counter to our national interest in my opinion - and it is a process that can be shown they have engaged in despite pressing concerns of national security including terrorist attack . . .
favoring instead political gains to be had from the issue upon a blue dress . . .
You must be Orwell with your double speak and think. "and I would indeed purge this nation of the liars, the birchers, the bushite, and other assorted koch suckers" bring it i got my guns BOY.
so . . .
it comes out -
you are indeed
I am a Ron PauI supporter and own guns and will defend my life to the death.
You do understand that Mr. P is a (R)epelican?
That makes him even more (R)epugnant, as he pretends he isn't.
Oh yea constitutionalism and free-market captolism so replicant. So scary i may not have to live like a slave.
You're confusion is more obvious with your every post.
So, Mr. P has done his job for the (R)epelican party, quite well.
Mr. P does not tell the truth, he never has.
He's just there to confuse the issues.
He's done it his whole lifelong political career.
He's no constitutionalist.
There is not, nor can there ever be a "free market".
Mr. P is pure 100% (R)epelican.
So his 30 year political career is a hoax to confuse people and you think i am dumb? "There is not, nor can there ever be a "free market"?" nothing like making statements from your ass!!!
I own guns to, nimrod -
not like they are of a whole lot of use in the age of accidental engineering
Yes because if some nimrod tries to round me up i will shoot them in the forehead. Like in the desire you expressed above.
Up yours Zenfog "The Obama Deception HQ Full length version"
What's that? I can't hear you - I'm on dial-up.
And zenfrog hasn't posted to this thread . . . yet . . . I suppose that's one of your little sockpuppets . . .
you repelican shill
why don't you go occupy eternity?
I posted a thread and kept you in mind by providing a transcript to the video. I am admitting my childish behavior with you and will adapt with my arguments to better suit your situation. I would suggest that you try your best to look into claims some people make even if you have to go to the library for internet.
Why don't you? You are in the minority in the OWS movement. Stop supporting terrorist presidents like Obama and Bush!!!!
so, what, support lawn raul?
BWA hahaha