Forum Post: Rick Perry 2012!
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 9, 2012, 11:54 p.m. EST by nobody485
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Rick Perry 2012!
If you are still reading, allow me to explain.
I am all for the ideas of Occupy Wall Street or any movement that attempts to restore sanity in our society. But just recently, I lost hope of a peaceful change.
I have also realized something important: you can’t save anyone destined to fall by trying to stop them in mid-air.
Just like you can’t tell alcoholics to quit drinking while they still have a few working organs left, or stop crackheads from getting high while they still have a couple dollars, you can’t stop a society from collapsing while there are still a few things that are somewhat functioning.
Simply, instead of trying to fix our system, we should just let the current driving forces to reach their apex and meet their fiery end. In the words of the wise, if you don’t have a way out, go deeper in.
Rick Perry 2012!
I hope it makes sense now.
As I have mentioned, I lost hope, but it is not completely true. I still hope that once we hit rock bottom, we will come out better at the end.
Ron Paul would be far more effective at generating a massive proletarian uprising.
And then he would take all that energy and hand it over to the corporations.
Be gone, Hypocrite.
Ron Paul does NOT and NEVER WILL represent anything that OWS means.
you misunderstand...I meant, were he to be elected, there would be massive popular uprisings against his insane policies in very short order.
Ah, Ok , yes, i did indeed misunderstand. I apologize.
Cool. Write him in.
We need someone who's all hat and no cattle.
I'm voting for Rick Parry with an A for America.
My vote is for Romney
A vote for Romney is a vote for Obama's second term.
Well there is a high probability that voting for the candidate that will more then likely fuck this system up more may speed our goals up. I just do not agree with doing it because people may happen to become worse and may put us in the situation where nuclear war or war for that matter may be a more likely situation. I believe the best solution is to generate anarchy within our country so that they can not kill us without it affecting the American people.
Obama has already hit rock bottom.
The problem? He has shown signs of digging.
" if you don’t have a way out, go deeper in."
The country has already tried this under the tyrannical green fist of the Chairman MAObama Regime.
Actually Rick Perry,regardless of your sarcastic contempt could turn this nation around.
Gays are weird and christmas is awesome. - Rick Perry 2012
You don't need to be in the pew every sunday to know Rick Perry is a fool.
The number of dislikes on his ad is hilarious.
"Gays are weird and christmas is awesome." Haven't heard that before but that is funny. President Perry always tells it like it is.
I know that I should laugh.
But, I cannot bring myself to do it.