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Forum Post: Richard Wolff: Question Capitalism

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 10:51 a.m. EST by progressive (3)
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10 minute interview with Professor Richard Wolff. Got to love this guy. One of the few in the media actually discussing the real source of the problem.




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[-] 2 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Question Corporatism

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

The person who runs this website is named "Justine Alexandra Roberts Tunney", and they have published the source code for the website on github.com here:


The headline, or "motto" for the project there reads as follows:

"Stomping out capitalism, one line of code at a time"

You can verify this is true by scrolling down to the bottom of this page and looking to the right. You will see a link which reads 'github'. Click it. At the top of that page, underneath the smiley face, underneath the word 'Code' with an orange underline, you will see the project headline.

NOTE: I am fully aware that I am discussing the views of J.A. Robert Tunney, and NOT the OWS as a whole. -- However, it is time for the schizophrenia within the OWS movement to cease and for them to actually discuss, debate, and come to consensus on, what is their purpose and a sane solution to the majority's complaints.

The doubletalk about "we are not really socialist but yeah we are but not really but DOWN WITH CAPITALISM!" is being used as cover for the co-opting of a huge mass of genuinely concerned people who do NOT believe that government redistribution of wealth (statism) is the solution.

Since the ideology which most vociferously speaks out against "Capitalism" is Socialism, it is quite likely that the maintainer of this website is a Socialist.

I would be quick to point out that Capitalism is not an "ism" at all, rather an unavoidable result of the consequence of possessing things.

Note also that "possessing" is not a legal construct which can be debated -- but a physical fact having to do with who's hands an object is within or controlled by.

Wether an individual capitalizes upon his own labor, the state capitalizes upon it, or a wealthy entrepreneur does, they are all forms of capitalism -- and have quite blurred lines.

Consider this:

If you have a broken car, and you employ my expertise in fixing cars, trading me two ears of corn for my labor... Then I have 'capitalized' on my labor.

If you then turn around, and trade that newly repaired car for two fat pigs... Then, lo and behold, you have capitalized on my labor, in much the same way that I did.

The difference being, you possessed the car itself, which repsresents a much greater amount of labor input than my repair, and were therefore able to obtain a higher price for it.

Question is this: Did you ''exploit" me?!

And, another question:

How could you, OWS, the Socialist Party, or ANYone, ever successfully prohibit this transaction, or everything like it? If you outlaw money then only outlaws will have money!

Isn't opposing and "stomping out" capitalism futile?

Socialism is not neccessary, nor even preferred. Simply return to sound money, and prosecute fraud.

End the Federal Reserve and the Fractional Banking System.

They have devalued our currency and widened the gap between the 1% and the 99%. They are the cause of the problems Occupy Wall Street is in protest of. They have empowered the political system which conspires with Wall Street to commit banking fraud and rob the people of their wealth.

The existing American system, if enforced by its people, is capable of that. Enforcement may require revolution, but do not seek to bring down capitalism. That is futile and impossible.

Bring down corruption, conspiracy and political deception -- and your goals will have been met.

[-] 0 points by chmandre (1) 13 years ago

I've heard he is a phenomenal person as well.

[-] 0 points by progressive (3) 13 years ago

That's good to hear. Haven't had a chance to meet him.