Forum Post: Revolution. Reform.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 9:29 p.m. EST by GuerillasInTheMist
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This inequality is nothing new. Our government has always been mandated by the bourgeois, beginning with it's creation. In fact, all government is controlled by the rich. Government itself is a social contract between the rich and the people. We give them our services and lives, they give us "protection" and order. This is how it always has been, but it no longer has be this way. Due to technology, and widespread information, our society should be able to become much more educated then it is. Things such as poor media and a faulty education system lead to the lack of educated peoples in our country. What we need is reform. In the past their was a call for a split between church and state. We should now be calling for a split between economy and state. Lobbyist, as well as other types of financial influence should not dictate the direction our country is headed. The mob no longer has to be looked upon as uneducated and foolish. I've read a few of the other posts. It is not easy to start a business in this country period. Let alone during a recession. The way the system is set up, small businesses are much more likely to fail then succeed. The corporate world truly does run the economy in America. From what i've seen mom and pop stores only exist in wealthier communities. Small steps that may help the situation is buying locally (where possible). This will directly put money back in to your community. Best of luck to all of those who are struggling right now. Best of luck to those in college and high school. I myself am a college student. It is up to us to help our nation achieve a better future, being that we are the future. America is not a rotten country, it's just not being run in a sanitary way. I think it's time the bourgeious feel a change once and for all. Revolution.
Guerillas in the Mist