Forum Post: Revolution Forever
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:53 p.m. EST by revolutionaryfarmer
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We Occupy. We march. We resist. We sing our songs of freedom. They beat some of us. The assault us with chemicals. Do we stay in the streets forever? What are our answers to the worlds short and long term problems? What can we do to really continue this amazing energy of resistance?
I believe our next step is radical personal changes in the ways we live. Our homes, our neighbor hoods, our ideas of success, all must change. We can not demand full employment if those jobs are not earth friendly. We should not demand more pay, we should depend less on money. We must get our communities back into step with nature. We must adapt drastically to a full and used up planet.
Have you heard of the the Permaculture Principals? You need to. We must start living in balance with our natural world and the other people in it. The resistance in the street must eat and be fueled. Those of us that can need to get out and start an Occupy Farmland movement. We must transform our food systems back to a local sustainable model. We must stop expecting the system to change into something more just if our own lives still require so much energy to operate.
So what to do today?
- Join a food co-op or a CSA (community supported agriculture)
- Go and help in the gardens and on the farms.
- Learn all you can about growing food.
- Learn all you can about processing food.
- Grow a surplus and support our brothers and sisters in the resistance movement.
- STOP shopping at corporate stores and buying their products! Democracy is happening with every purchase we make. Lets not speak of freedom and purchase products made by slaves.
Setting up local neighborhood gardens is easy if we start working, speaking with and depending on our neighbors again. Start today. Start a chat with your neighbors about planting gardens and a few fruit trees each. Start building compost and soils. Start collecting rainwater. Start carpooling and car sharing for EVERYTHING.
Reach out to land owners that have land laying fallow. Old farmers would love to see their fields working again. In just a season or two we can get our seed bank/exchange back up and running. We can take control of our own lives. We can withdraw legitimacy from the mafia run state/private Corporatocracy.
Learning to make cheese, soap, fuel, preserves and even alcohol has been fun and easier than I once thought. I have been practicing a different kind of life for 6 years now. I went from the board room to the farm and life is better, money is less important and my days can be spent teaching, learning, building and enjoying my community. Support resistance from the soil up to the town hall. If you want to learn the art of sustainability contact me or the thousands of other people that have been practicing. Join in on the building of the infrastructure we need for our future world.
Trying to change the whole world is impossibly hard. Trying to even change our own habits can be just as difficult. What are each of us doing differently now that before we awoke to the tragic truths of our system?
They haven't beat you. They're not assaulting you with chemicals.
You are breaking the law by refusing to leave Zuccoti Park. And resisting arrest is something that even Democrat judges despise.
There is no corporatocracy and Wall Street is not run by the mafia.
I am not in the park. I am on a farm. Building a co-op. Working with my tribe and neighbors. I used to work for a big company. I could not tell the difference between that company and a mafia. We just "wacked" poor people in India instead of the store owner down the road.