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Forum Post: Revolution and jailing the corrupt will never be enough.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:54 a.m. EST by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT
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I'm surprised that nobody seems to care about the evolution of this country, its people, or the standard of living that exists here, and that we're all moaning about wall street and corrupt government. I'm all for OWS and everything it stands for, but all I can see in the future should OWS succeed is a country that has returned to normal, plus a few band-aids here and there that will be offered to assuage the commoners.

What I don't understand is why no one is thinking about forcing government into supplying the country with solar power. Results would happen MUCH faster here to improve the quality of our lives than what we're going to get from our demands, if we get any of them to begin with. If Obama used that 50 billion dollar bill on solar power, he could've wiped NY state off the electrical grid. The amount of money in saved monthly bills would have returned 1.2 billion dollars per month to the economy, essentially RETURNING the investment to the country within 4 years. Then, two more smaller states could be wiped off the grid until the country is once again #1 in the world like it used to be.

For us "POORS" that would mean we keep almost over 1/4 of our money. Minimum wage jobs would allow families to survive even if only one person has a job. It would allow poverty to save up money to purchase a car, not miss rent payments, and even pull their drug dealing kids off the streets and send them to community college. Think sending bankers to jail and cracking down on government will increase 99% of our take home income by 1/4? Never ever ever.

What else does it mean? Pollution is severely reduced, increasing air quality dramatically and potentially cutting loads of health problems. It provides better support for electric vehicles, which we can then support american JOBS with. And then? We have so much more money left over from not having to pay these bills that we can all be taxed more - which means better schools, hospitals, crime and fire reduction, better attention to city infrastructure and community services...

Think you can get all that by winning the case to send the bankers to jail? Not even close. Think our children's futures will be as bright? Not a chance.

Make solar power a DEMAND. It's here NOW, it creates JOBS, it improves our STANDARD OF LIVING (something that hasn't happened since the internet, or penicillin or the industrial revolution before that) and it would remove thousands of cubic tons of stress from american shoulders, allowing all of us to sleep a little better at night permanently. (Oh, and it also bites deeply into those wall street traders who continue to speculate on oil, as well as the arabic 1%, can't forget about THEM.)

But keep bickering about whether or not the poors or the rich or government this or that... we'll never receive the kind of benefit nationwide solar power would give us as a people of all walks of life in this generation or the next. It's the one thing that would deliver the most benefit to everyone.

Revolution? Good. Do something with it. I agree with and support OWS and its goals, but it's still not enough.



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[-] 1 points by justhefacts (1275) 13 years ago

One word. Solyndra.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

OF COURSE OWS is not enough. But it is the Divine Spark that started it all, isn't it?

You sound like you have great ideas (solar power, etc.). Please keep writing about them, promoting them eloquently, we NEED people like you. YOU are part of the solution!

[-] 1 points by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT 13 years ago

I wish. I wrote a book over a year ago about social issues in America and provided several solutions to problems. It didn't sell one copy :| and now ironically, here we are.

Look up My Suicide Note: A Sockdolager From Me To America by David Majlak.