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Forum Post: Revolution. Reform.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 10:18 p.m. EST by GuerillasInTheMist (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This inequality is nothing new. Our government has always been mandated by the bourgeois, beginning with it's creation. In fact, all government is controlled by the rich. Government itself is a social contract between the rich and the people. We give them our services and lives, they give us "protection" and order. This is how it always has been, but it no longer has be this way. Due to technology, and widespread information, our society should be able to become much more educated then it is. Things such as poor media and a faulty education system lead to the lack of educated peoples in our country. What we need is reform. In the past their was a call for a split between church and state. We should now be calling for a split between economy and state. Lobbyist, as well as other types of financial influence should not dictate the direction our country is headed. The mob no longer has to be looked upon as uneducated and foolish. I've read a few of the other posts. It is not easy to start a business in this country period. Let alone during a recession. The way the system is set up, small businesses are much more likely to fail then succeed. The corporate world truly does run the economy in America. From what i've seen mom and pop stores only exist in wealthier communities. Small steps that may help the situation is buying locally (where possible). This will directly put money back in to your community. Best of luck to all of those who are struggling right now. Best of luck to those in college and high school. I myself am a college student. It is up to us to help our nation achieve a better future, being that we are the future. America is not a rotten country, it's just not being run in a sanitary way. I think it's time the bourgeious feel a change once and for all. Revolution.

Guerillas in the Mist



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[-] 2 points by Jrobin8 (40) 13 years ago

I have to be honest I read a lot of these forums to try and get a since of where this movement is going and I think its going exactly the way the 1% wants it to. If we post 500 posts a day and each receives about 50 or 60 comments are we really discussing things or getting anywhere. I don't claim to know it all and that is the point. For a political party to go into office and believe that they know exactly how to better the economy is ridiculous. Yes they may have some great ideas, but why not consider what the general public has to say. Oh that's right because it doesn't matter what we think. I don't claim to know everything, but collectively I think WE can figure it out. I am just suggesting that we narrow the posts down to general topics that people can discuss. For example, this could be used as a post on a forum under the category of Corporate Greed. We should have topics on economy, education, healthcare, etc. That way we can read 5000 or 6000 posts relating to one topic. If WE want to be taken seriously we have to narrow our focus and give tangible ideas. For example, We can have free healtcare if 5% of our taxes goes to provide utilities to run these hospitals. In return we can reduce the fed tax by 5%. I am just stating tangible examples, once again I am not claiming to know everything just giving my suggestions.

[-] 1 points by GuerillasInTheMist (5) 13 years ago

I 100% agree with you. Talk without action means nothing. Along with us addressing more serious topics in the forums we should really be doing what we can in our communities. A lot change begins on a community level. I most certainly do not know it all either. No one does. As long as theres is discussion though, I think we are headed in the right direction. We should be looking for problems and solutions as well. What your proposing is better organization of these forums which would be highly beneficial.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Agreed. Technology is the biggest advantage we have that previous generations lacked. And one thing overlooked by many is the fact (I know this first-hand) that one of the biggest detriments to starting a small 'brick and mortar' business nowadays is the repressive insurance industry. I know of many an individual that had everything they needed to start their business but couldn't simply because they couldn't afford the insurance premiums. The insurance industry has a stranglehold on this country. By the way, be careful about using the 'r' word, Big Brother is certainly watching these forums. I prefer 'movement' although in all reality it probably makes no difference. Other than that, welcome aboard (assuming you are) and spread the word.

[-] 1 points by GuerillasInTheMist (5) 13 years ago

haha I'm well aware. That's very interesting. I haven't really ever looked in to the insurance aspect of why small businesses failed. That's something I'm definitely going to do some research on. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Years ago a former coworker of mine wanted to go into the construction business (we were both commercial roofers). He wanted to start a roofing company. Although he only did roofing, he had to call his business a 'home improvement' company because insurance premiums for a roofing company were FOUR times more expensive than they were for home improvement. I hear liability insurance is horrendous, due in large part to the litigious society we are now living in. People will sue you for the most frivolous reasons looking for an easy buck.

[-] 1 points by AnnArkey (31) 13 years ago

Very touching. Nice work.

[-] 0 points by mediaauditr (-88) 13 years ago

Corruption and greed exist in any society. It's the lawmakers responsibility, not corporations to enforce rules, and our politicians have run amok. It's time to kick them out 2012. Both sides. Republicans and democrats.

[-] 1 points by GuerillasInTheMist (5) 13 years ago

Yes, it is most definitely the law makers responsibility to enforce rules, I don't think corporations should have to do so. It's not their job, it is the government's. That being said, corporations have a strong influence in our government. I'm not a fan of the two party system either. At least with the politicians that it currently consists of. We need reform in order to filter out those who aren't doing their job. As you said "kick them out". Before we do so, we need people to step up who will truly represent the people.