Forum Post: return to geographic representation
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:36 a.m. EST by JJS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am no intellectual - nor a political person - though I like to think...
I have a modest proposal for those who have taken up the fight for the rest of us – the 99%. I have a great deal of respect for some of the basic concepts of equality and democracy that is being exhibited at the rallys and the difficult task of not taking on a political agenda that may serve only a portion of the sub-groups. And yet without a “list of demands” there is little hope for an endgame or a beginning to something bigger and meaningful.
I understand that the many sub-groups have their own pet ideas about changes – everything from student loan reform, to an anti-war message. From union and collective bargaining issues to hunger and poverty, to redistribution of wealth and taxing the rich. There is one common thread it seems to me. The 99% feel we are not being heard – we are not taken seriously – our issues fall on the deaf ears of our representative because our messages are drowned out by the messages of wealthy corporate donors and special interests.
So, my proposal is a simple one. Change the campaign finance laws to create geographic representation. Candidates for office may only accept campaign contributions from individuals who reside in, or companies with headquarters in or who do a majority of their business in, the area they represent. Just restrict contributions to the district or state they represent.
So, for example, a natual gas company in Houston, TX can’t contribute to the campaign of a congressperson from upstate NY. So that when issues of regulating “fracking” come up in congress that congressperson can represent the best interests of their local constituents not their benefactor… If that Gas Company wants to lobby someone – let them lobby the people of upstate NY. Let them invest in the community. Let them try to infuence the local voters to influence their representative.
By keeping campaign contributions local we can get back to a “geographic based” representational government, not the “interest group” representational government we have devolved into…
It can form the foundation of a new way government works – for ALL the people. Then each local group who has a pet issue – end the war, fix our schools, clean up the environment, no new taxes, immigration reform – can be heard. The goal is to make our representatives beholding to their consituents back home on the left, the right or in the middle… And it will bring myriad ideas to Washington and many opinions other than the “big two” – the republican or the democratic stance – on any given issue.
In my humble opinion this could be a one plank platform that a lot of people can get behind no matter their pet issue.
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