Forum Post: RESTORE GLASS-STEAGALL (Banking Act of 1933)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 5:37 p.m. EST by IonU
from Stratford, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Separate Commercial Banking from Speculation!! (H.R.1489) Sign the petition at: Washington Watch. com
Exactly... this is where it all started.. the economic collapse of course, with Barney Frank and his cohorts.
This is absolutely necessary. I think if people knew what it was, why it was originally passed into law and what has happened since Clinton repealed it, they would support it's immediate restoration.
Yes - I agree with this.
While this could be a great starting point for an initial demand, I cannot find a solid resource anywhere that shows popular support for this measure. If the vast majority of Americans are behind this initiative, it could be our first demand- but has anyone been able to find critical analysis and polls showing this support?
Yes...please do. Any other Clinton regulations that caused the financial crisis that need to be unwound.
Yes...please do. Any other Clinton regulations that caused the financial crisis that need to be unwound.