Forum Post: Restore Democracy 60 Wall St Nov 16 6PM
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 10:58 a.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The “Restore Democracy” plan will reverse the Supreme Court’s erroneous Citizens United decision, ending the absurd legal fiction that corporations are persons.
The “Restore Democracy” plan accomplishes this by passing a constitutional amendment that ‘corporations are NOT people.
85% of Democrats, 81% of independents and 76% of Republicans oppose Citizens United.
So if OWS succeededs with this amendment, OWS will gain immediate widespread support across the political spectrum ! Totally, 83% of Americans means that we start – with no efforts to “educate” or “convince”. No other OWS goal or demand starts with this kind of overwhelming support.
The amendment will be relatively easy to pass using the Prohibition amendment as a model. It, too, consisted of a left/center/right coalition joining together. It took them only 17 months to make the amendment law; 8 other constitutional amendments took less than a year; one, lowering the voting age to 18, took only four months to pass). The amendment will immediately overturn court decisions like Citizens United that have blocked campaign finance reform.
In parallel with working to pass this amendment, OWS can complete a comprehensive, internally consistent progressive platform our new progressive legislators will enact.
See the entire “Restore Democracy” plan and supporting evidence at . If you agree this is a great foundational step for OWS to take, please share this link among your email lists and across all social media. AND MEET US ON NOV 16 - 6PM - 60 Wall