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Forum Post: Response to opposition using Steve Jobs death

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 8:34 p.m. EST by TroyMcLean (0)
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My brother tried to use Steve Jobs death to put down The Occupy Wall Street protesters. The following was my repsonse. The Occupy Wall Street crowd is not opposed to people achieving wealth. As Dylan Ratigan said of the Occupy Wall Street crowd following a visit to Freedom Park: "Every conversation, there was a shared belief. A singular belief that wealth should only be a by-product of working together to solve problems with aligned interests for all and that a bought government is the barrier to doing that." The Occupy Wall Street crowd mourned Steve Jobs because he embodied this concept. There is no issue with people earning wealth, doing work that recognizes that they are part of a community where reciprocity is expected and works to improve the human condition. The link below is an Apple Ad that talks about the crazy ones, people who change the world, Thanks to crazy ones like Steve Jobs and the Occupy Wall Street protesters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oAB83Z1ydE&feature=youtu.be



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