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Forum Post: Respond to corporate Acts Of War against the United States - sign petition at whitehouse.gov

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:16 p.m. EST by BenRayfield (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The United States is under attack by an occupying force. Fight back by signing this petition to declare war against that force.


Market force is a kind of force. In the ways corporations use it to control politicians who control other forces, market force is as dangerous as any other kind of force.

Please respond to that anti-democratic use of force the same as any other Act Of War against the United States, by any corporation in any country(s) which, directly or indirectly, change our politics with any kind of force.

"Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." --Sun Tzu

Most corporations did that to what was our democratic government and to us. Will our government help us do the same to the corporate army occupying our government?

Like the War On Drugs and War On Terror, which are more like goals than wars, please declare War On Government By The Corporations.



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[-] 1 points by BenRayfield (2) 13 years ago

stevemiller, I agree the 9/11/01 events included explosives and not just airplanes, and that the major news shows only talked about planes to cover it up.

But this is about making it illegal for corporations to buy votes and laws, a change which would be motivated by more and more angry protesters, like at Wall Street and many other places, because of course the corrupt system rarely does anything when you only ask nicely.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

It is utterly impossible to imagine the entire USA could see the pictures of thousands of steel beams that were cut and blasted in all directions from the towers and that the towers fell straight into its own basement without knowing there had to be a conspiracy to rig the explosives. The entire crime was filmed. No person in their right mind could believe that jet fuel fires could cut steel beams. Only an entire country of numb skulls could ignore the conspiracy by Bush and our government to use 9/11 to start 2 wars.

The USA is an entire country of numbskulls especially all those sitting in the park hoping to change things while they cover up the bribes that caused the problem.