Forum Post: Rescue the Enslavers From Their Victims
Posted 6 years ago on Nov. 1, 2018, 3:10 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Capitalism is the freedom of the rich to enslave Human Race with debt. If you don't see that you need to free your mind from the program the elite class has been writing therein since birth. WTFU!
"... a major reason why Hillary lost the 2016 election. She kept saying, 'Aren't you better off today than you were eight years ago when Mr. Obama was elected?' Well, most people, especially in the Midwest, said, 'No, we're not better off. Are you kidding? We've lost our homes, employment's down, our wages are lower, our pension funds are being seized. Of course we're not better.' So more and more voters stayed home....
"... the volume of debt expands exponentially, by compound interest. All the debt that people owe keeps mounting up more and more arrears. And if you miss a payment on your credit card, or even if you miss a payment to the electric utility or any other monthly bills, your credit card's interest rate goes up from 11 or 12% to 29%. All this accumulates up and up and up. And the result is that personal debt service relative to income is going up. Corporate debt service relative to income is going way up, and the share of government budgets that must be paid to bondholders is going up. That means that people don't have enough money to go and buy the goods and services they produce...."
And then there is this too:
So I guess I'll go borrow 40 grand at ten percent interest to get a ba to make 12 bucks an hour as a secretary to do a job I've done my whole life? That's if a bank won't laugh me out on my lowly income. Or I can work at Walmart... until i die...?
Ps there are no more jobs and the ones out there demand a BA now. Thanks Obama. Thanks Trump. You both suck.
It is outright classwar to require degrees for such positions. For those without trustfunds or rich families entitlement but we brokees automatically get shuffled to the bottom of the pile...or van down by the river.
Capitalism is slavery!
The term quantitative easing is meant to confuse people. What’s being eased, and what is the quantity? The Federal Reserve went to the banks and said, “You can give us all of the loans that you’ve written - mortgage loans, junk mortgages and other loans - with us, and we will count them as Federal Reserve deposit." It’s a cash-for-trash swap. This pumped $4.3 trillion into bank reserves, enabling banks to lend to inflate prices for stocks, bonds and real estate. The pretense was that this would enable the banks to start lending to factories again, into the economy, to put people back to work. - MICHAEL HUDSON
The banks lent a lot of FED money to the giant rental corporations that preclude home ownership by driving up housing costs and real estate prices.
The FED "... pumped $4.3 trillion into bank reserves, enabling banks to lend to inflate prices for stocks, bonds and real estate...."
Capitalism is the freedom of the rich to enslave Human Race with debt. If you don't see that you need to free your mind from the program the elite class has been writing therein since birth. WTFU!
Quantitative Squeezing continued:
"... pumped $4.3 trillion into bank reserves, enabling banks to lend to inflate prices for stocks, bonds and real estate. The pretense was that this would enable the banks to start lending to factories again, into the economy, to put people back to work.
"This cover story is truly bizarre, because for the last hundred years, banks haven’t lent to build factories. They only lend against assets in place, or steady reliable income that comes in. Almost 70% of real capital investment for factories and industry is done with retained earnings of corporations. The other capital investment is financed by stock issues, by the stock market. Banks don’t lend to build capital. But they do lend to corporate raiders to take over companies. ..."
"Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true. Facts schmacts." ~ Homer Simpson, gives Trumpzanian and Brent's response to the real [non Trump/Fox faux] news. The conservative base have never understood how they're being played by the ruling class of banksters and billionaires. They think that dick in their mouth is a lollipop reward for being good followers.
Glied meaning "member" provides a sense of belonging to the class of banksters and billionaires.
The conservative base sucks penile pacifiers, which "provides a sense of belonging to the class of banksters and billionaires."
Gleitenschaft! Pussycraft? Ja, ja, das hab ich nicht gewußt. Kätzchen sagte zu mir: ,,ich fing ein Mäuschen unter dem Stuhl, hahah!" Ist das Freundschaft, ist das wahr? ,,Ja, Freundschaft und Spiel, das ist doch klar¡" Allahu Akbar? Shinto-Buddha at work?
Allah, Buddha, YHWH, Elohim, God, etc. are all MOST HIGH so they will come and save their followers. The U.S. needs not meddle because it is just a secular nation founded upon the grand compromise of the forerunner of the First Amendment ( our Founding Fathers had figured out how to pray together despite the denominational divide amongst them before they started deliberations on how to react to the British Crown's oppression ) so let us aim for the exit, pull out, and leave. I was baptized for ¿penguinity? with the water shot out from a bidét in a palatial People's Temple at a wedding banquet ( my liquid-gold offering derived from drinking a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, a bottle of Coca-Cola ¿without? the sugar shipped from Cuba to New Orleans, and a little bit of water, probably pleased God ) so the Old World can be baptized with sanguinity as well, if the proper pushbutton is pressed.
In regard to the New World, the West, the Iron Islands, Greater America, and the Global Commons, the Old World (especially the CCP and PLA, and the rogue elements) needs to keep in mind its long-term interests, fulfill its obligations and responsibilities, and choose to stand on the righteous "Kriegesmarine" side of history.
"The fact that the US Army Air Force took no action to investigate this incident, and that no trials took place under the then-effective domestic criminal code, the Articles of War, is a serious reflection on the entire chain of military command."
Historically, the Laconia Order was the resulting operational command to the "Kriegesmarine." Expect great things from the one-sucks UNIVAC Brown-noser. The mistress plan for Brett-ania getting on top is here. Полезно знать что думает противник. И правда ли?
Mortua vivos docent. Bisous à vous, je me souviens.
Moneychangers are always evil even straight from Bimblo antiquity.