Forum Post: Required Viewing: Manufacturing Consent
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 11, 2012, 4:21 p.m. EST by deloprator20000
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Noam Chomsky discusses the various systems of public relations used in democracies.
Thanks for the informative remarks. I will watch the videos you suggested.
This conversation is also worth catching:
That's a great movie but also read the book! And if you're interested in Noam Chomsky, this is is most recent interview on Occupy Protests, Tea Party, Anarchism, and Human Nature:
This conversation is also worth catching:
This is great. The documantary "Manufacturing Consent" is also very good. I posted it here with a couple of other good documentaries:
Yours s
Clement Walker was an English historian writing in the time of the English civil war:
"Walker's often quoted criticism of the democrats of the English civil war, in reference to spreading an awareness of meritocracy and the workings of government: "They have made the people thereby so curious and arrogant that they will never find humility enough to submit to a civil rule."
Sound familiar