Forum Post: Request: Dress up as the Grim Reaper and stand outside banks
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 2:19 p.m. EST by phfaty
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Someone should dress up as the Grim Reaper and stand outside Goldman Sachs everyday like a silent mannequin. Just stand still and face the bank everyday. Take turns in shifts. I can assure you that after a few days, this will have a negative psychological effect on the banksters.
t's not about looking ridiculous, it is about mind games. This will actually be more effective and less violent and will symbolize the eventual demise of the greedy banksters who have destroyed the planet with their greed.
This is completely ridiculous.I do not agree on this .We do not have to look ridiculous to make a point.Stop the nonsense.If you want to be taken seriously then act as grown ups not as kids in a mardi-gras party.tsogd.vvv.
Take shifts everyday maybe have 3 or 5 people rotate in shifts from morning to evening. Just stand still and face the entrance from across the street where you can be seen. Stand perfectly still and just stare at them or the building. You must do this in order for OWS succeed!
Play some mind games on them. This will have the same effect as having a group of protestors but without expending too much energy and resources.
yeah, that will show'em.