Forum Post: Republiclans are REBRANDING
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 6, 2013, 6:42 p.m. EST by bensdad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We must remember that changing the brand from
Bucket O’LIES
does not change the stench in the bucket
Actually, republiclans lost big in 2012 because they told the truth about their anti-99% positions!
Even rove has learned now - that they must hide their real positions when talking to anyone besides the 1% & the tea potty & the religious crazies.
Hopefully, rove will fail to stop georgia’s paul broun & iowa’s steve king from running for the Senate.
This is just fuckin fun
Dinner is served! LOL
LOL. You're right. They're wrong. but that isn't surprising.
and 70% of asians! Big numbers of young people as well. Repub Lyndsy Graham said "we're not make angry old white men fast enough"
They're scared. It's going to be a great show.
I know and I believe repubs know they do not have EVERY angry white man vote (and fewer in NE) which makes their situation even worse.
I think they will if history is any guide.
I will die when I get old
They can rebrand but they can't hide their obstruction.
I have no faith in the president or congress
and they appoint justices
It's hopeless.
not at all
What do you propose we do?
recognize our authority as a people
Sounds good.
I will "recognize are authority as a people"
We should all be so lucky not to die when we are young.
Rebranding on climate change?
Can it be? A Repub wing that recognizes climate change?
This could be their new theme song!!!
This faucet's on fire!!
Repubs rebranding efforts have failed.
People ain't fooled, We know they are intransigent
Aaaaaaaah ha ha ha! This is part of the rebranding.
I urge all to do as the hispanics who here this bullshit. Do not believe these republicans racist fucks.
(just thought I'd bump this up)
Rebranding but no policy change.
LOL. Whatta joke.
Upd in compliment & a bump up for this important post.
of course if the branding iron was
hot enough
large enough
properly placed ................................................
LOL. Yeeeehaw!!!
I like that. They might learn something.
sadly, they never do
We gotta keep up the pressure. More & more people will see the truth.
They just can't change.
Yes, how true. Obama knows that. That is why he got elected, and re-elected.
The repubs just don't get it.
Bullshit!!! As evidenced here.
Thanks for the post. Should be kept up high on the forum.
Don't believe the hype. I say keep all politicians feet to the fire. Don't let anyone lie to the 99%. Thanks to phone cameras we've caught more han one politician slipping up and being honest.
New GOP = Old GOP
By ThinkProgress War Room on Feb 5, 2013 at 4:45 pm
It’s The Policies, Stupid
[I have a sneaking suspicion that Cons and their Zombies really believe (they don't think) that they lost by poor PR, and maybe we should encourage this.]
In the wake of a blowout at the polls (save for in their gerrymandered U.S. House seats) last November, Republican leaders have engaged in much soul-searching about the failings of their party. They seem to have reached an interesting conclusion: their party’s deep unpopularity has absolutely nothing to do with their party’s deeply unpopular policies such as calling for more tax cuts for the wealthy and gutting popular programs like Medicare.
Republicans have instead decided that they just need better messaging about their policies. To that end, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R) gave just the latest in a series of speeches attempting to “rebrand” the GOP. ThinkProgress’ Igor Volsky and Pat Garofalo listened to today’s speech so you don’t have to. Unsurprisingly, they found that the new, “softer” GOP is more or less the same as the old GOP. Here’s eight reasons why:
1) SCHOOL FUNDING: “Imagine if we were to try and move in this direction with federal funding. Allow the money we currently spend to actually follow individual children. Students, including those without a lot of money or those with special needs, would be able to access the best available school, not just the failing school they are assigned to.” This is a redux of Mitt Romney’s school funding plan, which while a decent idea in theory, wouldn’t be possible alongside the House GOP budget’s call for $2.7 billion in cuts to spending for disadvantaged students. As The Nation’s Dana Goldstein explained, this plan calls for shuffling funding “without guaranteeing the federal funding or regulatory support necessary to ensure quality.”
2) HIGHER EDUCATION: “Over the course of this Congress, we will also work to reform our student aid process to give students a financial incentive to finish their studies sooner. We will encourage entrepreneurship in higher education, including for-profit schools.” The House Republican budget would eliminate Pell Grants for more than one million students. Many for-profit schools, meanwhile, take huge amounts of taxpayer money while leaving students burdened with debt and facing bleak job prospects. Their focus is corporate profitability, not education, and they use aggressive marketing tactics to target vulnerable students.
3) WORKING MOTHERS: “Federal laws dating back to the 1930s make it harder for parents who hold hourly jobs to balance the demands of work and home. An hourly employee cannot convert previous overtime into future comp-time or flex-time…Imagine if we simply chose to give all employees and employers this option. A working mom could work overtime this month and use it as time off next month without having to worry about whether she’ll be able to take home enough money to pay the rent.” Cantor’s proposal would do far less good than simply ensuring that all workers have access to paid sick leave and paid maternity leave. The U.S. is currently the only developed country with no paid sick leave policy and one of just threewithout required paid maternity leave.
4) TAX REFORM: “Loopholes and gimmicks benefiting those who’ve come to know how to work the system in Washington, are no more defensible than the path of wasteful and irresponsible spending we’ve been on for decades. Working families should come first. Everyone agrees a fairer, simpler tax code would give us all more time.” Republicans pay lots of lip service to tax reform, but want to raise no new revenues through the closing of loopholes and deductions, despite the fact that the deficit reduction implemented since 2011 has come overwhelmingly via spending cuts.
5) IMMIGRATION: “It is time to provide an opportunity for legal residence and citizenship for those who were brought to this country as children and who know no other home…. I’m pleased that many of my colleagues in both chambers of Congress on both sides of the aisle have begun work in good faith to address these issues.” Republicans have embraced immigration reform after losing the Hispanic vote in the 2012 election. In 2010, Cantor and 160 other Republicans voted against the DREAM Act, a measure that “would offer a pathway to citizenship for undocumented young people who attend college or serve in the military.”
6) OBAMACARE: “The new medical device tax in ObamaCare makes it harder for researchers to develop these innovative devices in the U.S….ObamaCare has unnecessarily raised the costs of our health care. “ A tax on the medical devise industry — which will benefit from health care reform — will help fund coverage expansion, without undermining innovation. As the Center For Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) points out the tax “does not apply to eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, or any other medical device that the public generally buys at retail for individual use.” It would also have minimal impact on innovation since “tax rate is just one of the many factors affecting financial incentives.” The Affordable Care Act has had a very small effect on current premiums.
7) MEDICARE: “We should begin by ending the arbitrary division between Part A, the hospital program, and Part B, the doctor services. We can create reasonable and predictable levels of out-of-pocket expenses without forcing seniors to rely on Medigap plans…. “ President Obama has included many of these efficiency reforms in his budgets — but the GOP’s proposal move far beyond increasing program efficiency. Cantor and almost all Republicans support transforming Medicare into a voucher or premium-support program that will shift health costs to seniors without reducing overall health care spending.
8) MEDICAID: “We can provide states more flexibility with respect to Medicaid that will allow them to provide better care for low-income families in a way that ultimately lowers costs….And we must make it faster and simpler for states to gain approval of federal waivers to modify their Medicaid programs.” Democrats support increasing state flexibility in the Medicaid program, though Republicans — and Cantor himself — have voted to slash federal funding for Medicaid by 1/3 and shift some of the burden of Medicaid’s growing costs to the states. As a result, states could reduce enrollment by more than 14 million people, or almost 20 percent—even if they are were able to slow the growth in health care costs substantially.
BOTTOM LINE: The GOP’s problem isn’t bad branding, it’s bad [deceitful, anti-American, greed driven and inhumane] policies. If Republicans really want to be more popular, they should stop pushing policies that are opposed by the vast majority [99%] of the American people.
public healthcare for all
end the 1/3 insurance bleed
increments like SS
I've been unemployed so long my SS will be nothing when I'm old.
I don't understand what you mean. "increments like SS"
Took me a while to figure that out, too.
SS didn't start out full fledged like we know it today. FDR succeeded to get it passed with very limited coverage. Incrementally, it was filled in to the full coverage we have today. Hence, "public healthcare for all" will have to be achieved incrementally. That is unless Congressional RepubliCons suddenly realize that just obstructing and saying "NO" to everything will be their demise, and join with Dems to give us the Public Healthcare we need to compete globally! But I would not bet on that happening, rarely do Cults collectively do a 180 on core beliefs. Cons must fear and despise the People and democracy to worship their 1%.
there is no global competition
because there is nothing left to take
except each others resources
they fuck with my pell grant i'll cut off their fucking heads. don't they want me to become a productive citizen? how the fuck can i get an engineering degree while working? i am barely surviving as it is.
The product is wrong for the 99% including their position to cut Pell grants.
They are done with educated, well paid, middleclass Americans, we are being groomed for the role of cheap labor.
It's Class War, and we're losing!
yep impossible to raise taxes
Obama has said he wants to but the Rs in the house may block him.
We will have to see what the sequester does.
If YOU think we should raise taxes on the 1%, we need fewer Rs in the HOUSE
What can we do about that?
how convenient for he "good" guys.
Jon Stewart, The GOP Whisperer:
Eric Cantor’s empty happy talk
By Dana Milbank, Published: February 5
Republicans have happened upon a felicitous new strategy for reviving their party from its depressed state: They need only think happy thoughts.
At a retreat for Republican leaders last month, former House speaker Newt Gingrich told them to “learn to be a happy party” and a “cheerful” one, and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said they should be a party “that smiles.” Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal told his fellow Republicans to talk about “just how incredibly bright America’s future can be.”
In other words, Republicans will win elections if only they can stop being so dour, dammit.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor took this don’tworry-be-happy strategy seriously, and in a heavily promoted “major” speech to the American Enterprise Institute on Tuesday afternoon, he let the sun shine in.
He began with an uplifting anecdote about the Wright brothers and quoted the inspirational words of Emma Lazarus. He spoke from a lectern decorated with a foam board carrying the slogan “Making life work for more people” and brought with him some everyday folks to illustrate his upbeat philosophy, including an African American father who found a better education for his children and a girl doing well in her battle with cancer.
“The House majority will pursue an agenda based on a shared vision of creating the conditions for health, happiness and prosperity for more Americans,” Cantor proclaimed. He also read a Thomas Jefferson quotation on “ameliorating the condition, promoting the virtue, and advancing the happiness of man.”
The conservative think tank’s president, Arthur Brooks, was in on the act. He introduced Cantor as a man who “cares about freedom and opportunity because he knows they lead to a happier, more prosperous life.”
But the sunny routine was a difficult one for Cantor, who has made a career in Washington of being testy and acidic. His delivery was forced and, as he read his text, he seemed to be reminding himself to grin. As a result, he scowled for much of the speech and sounded as though he were spitting out his words. Smiles formed at inopportune times, such as when he described a boy’s failure in public school.
When it came to what his party would do to make people so buoyant and uplifted, Cantor had little beyond the policies he and his colleagues have long offered. The first questioner asked whether anything in Cantor’s lengthy speech would “be incorporated in legislation.” Cantor demurred. “I will say we do intend to follow up with some policy proposals and legislation working with our committees to move forward on many, many of these issues,” he said.
The next questioner asked about the bipartisan Senate proposal, unveiled last week, that would break the deadlock on immigration reform. “I have not looked at the details of what the Senate has put out,” he answered.
In recent weeks, Republican leaders such as Cantor have resembled nothing so much as laundry detergent salesmen, figuring if they can simply rebrand their product (High Efficiency 2x Ultra Stainlifter Clean Breeze Concentrated Fresh!) Americans will buy what they’re selling. Omitted from consideration is the possibility that consumers don’t like what’s in the bottle. Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell said Sunday that voters “don’t understand the conservative message.” Paul Ryan, the former vice presidential candidate, said Republicans need only “do a better job of applying our principles.”
Cantor picked up this theme Tuesday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” saying Republicans haven’t “completed the sentence, which is, we’re trying to do this to help people.”
Problem is, the optimistic talk collides with grim realities. Cantor spoke Tuesday about Lady Liberty lifting her “lamp beside the golden door,” but he was noncommittal on the comprehensive immigration reforms drafted by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). He spoke about how “many of today’s cures and lifesaving treatments are a result of an initial federal investment” without mentioning that the House Republicans’ budgets would decimate medical research.
Cantor spoke about how health care “always worries parents most.” But he continued to advocate the repeal of Obamacare, even though Ohio’s conservative governor, John Kasich, on Monday became the fifth Republican governor to embrace the law’s Medicaid expansion.
One questioner, Eric Pianin from the Fiscal Times, pointed out the conflicting messages and asked, “Who really speaks for the Republican Party?”
Cantor didn’t hesitate. “The average American is not thinking about and trying to wonder about where the Republican Party is,” he said.
Cantor might heed his own advice: Americans don’t care about Republicans’ happy talk. They want happy results.
Twitter: @milbank
Read more from Dana Milbank’s archive, follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his updates on Facebook.
Read more on this subject:
Greg Sargent: The GOP ‘makeover’ is purely cosmetic
Alexandra Petri: The GOP’s makeover problem
Jennifer Rubin: Republicans must think big
Everything That Is Wrong With the GOP
How the Republican Party incentivizes the replacement of real policy thinking with fact-free paranoic fantasism.
February 4, 2013 | Think Progress / By Zack Beauchamp
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is an undeniably smart man. Cruz is by all accounts a brilliant litigator, one talented enough in the courtroom to clerk for a Supreme Court justice and win a number of difficult cases as Texas’ Solicitor General. It wouldn’t have been crazy to expect that Cruz would bring a degree of argumentative rigor into the Senate after his victory in the 2012 election.
Well, Cruz had two golden opportunities to showcase his keen analytical mind, as he sits on both Senate committees that held high profile hearings last week, one on gun violence prevention, the other on Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE)’s nomination to be Secretary of Defense. And Cruz distinguished himself alright. Just not in the way one might have hoped.
The repub split grows.
Aaaaaaaaaaah haha ha. This is too much fun!!!
GOP’s "Rethinking Project" Short on Rethinking
Are the GOP’s problems merely a matter of getting its messaging house in order? Can the Party win presidential elections if it better harnesses social media and gets its organizing efforts up to speed? Did the mainstream media’s dwelling on certain of Romney statements – including his secretly captured video of him saying that 47 percent of Americans are takers, and his eagerly declared comment that “self-deportation” was the solution to the issue of immigration -- help jettison his campaign? How will the Party deal with outsized influence of the Christian Right and the Tea Party?
The above questions, except for the one dealing with the Christian Right and the Tea Party (entities that were not once mentioned by name), were up for discussion the other morning on Tom Ashbrook’s NPR program “On Point.”
The hour’s topic was “The GOP Regroups,” and Ashbrook’s guests were Henry Barbour, one of five Republicans heading up the Republican National Committee’s “Growth and Opportunity Project”; Jennifer Sevilla Korn, executive director of the conservative Hispanic Leadership Network; and, Kim Alfano, a Republican strategist, president and CEO of Alfano Communications.
Given the essence of the “On Point” conversation, it is difficult to see that the Party will, as Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal termed it, “stop being the stupid party.”
To hear Barbour, Sevilla Korn, and Alfano explain it, the election wasn’t so much about policy as is was about perception. And, if it wasn’t for a biased mainstream media, botched messaging, and bungled organizing, Ashbrook’s panel seemed to believe that Romney would have had a much better chance of being in the White House today.
Several callers to the program were skeptical about the panel’s analysis, and raised interesting questions that centered on whether the GOP would change its product line, or would it continued to be focused on massaging and manipulating its messaging?
In practical terms, will it continue insist that Climate Change is not settled science; that supply side economics has currency in today’s grossly inequitable economic landscape; that gays and lesbians do not deserve the same rights as other Americans.
Reed Galen, a California-based political strategist and John McCain’s Deputy Campaign Manager until mid-Summer 2007, had a different take in a recent piece posted at Real Clear Politics. Galen compared the current GOP to Detroit’s “auto industry of the mid-1980s. It produces ugly cars, poorly designed and built. Worse, only legacy buyers want them.”
Galen suggested that the GOP “need[s] to go back to the drawing board and come up with new engineering and a new production line.”
According to Galen, the GOP’s “problem is not how we ‘frame’ our arguments. It’s that our arguments don’t fit the views of the national electorate: A majority of Americans found our solutions uncompelling. All the data mining, social media interaction and television advertising won’t do a bit of good if our messages and messengers aren’t powerful and believable.”
Galen went on to point out that “the way we discuss issues – from abortion to immigration – are so negative that women, minorities and younger voters want little, if anything, to do with us.”
Henry Barbour, the nephew of longtime Republican Party activist and former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, was appointed by RNC chairman Reince Priebus to its Growth and Opportunity Project, a task force aimed at evaluating the 2012 presidential election and coming up with recommendations to move the Party forward.
When an “On Point” caller specifically asked Barbour about Climate Change, he first tried changing the subject. Pressed by Tom Ashbrook, he finally said: “There’s certainly two sides to every issue and I’m not going to try and sit here and give you a position on climate change. As a party, we need to focus on ideas that help improve the country, whatever they might be, we need to focus on ideas that unite us, not divide us.”
Barbour recently told Bloomberg News that the Party has “got to articulate our policies in a way that people can tell the benefit of what we’re trying to do and that it’s personal.”
There are those in the Party, like political strategist Reed Galen who are suggesting that a new product line needs to be created. Others, like Henry Barbour appear to be indicating that the Republican National Committee’s “Growth and Opportunity Project” will ultimately yield a playbook that would be akin to pouring the same old wine into new bottles.
RepubliCon Rehab 2/6/13, Audio:
Does Ben's father work for the DNC? Does he push pro-Obama propaganda on Ben? These are questions we need answered.
better to leave the personal issues alone. Especially children. Have some class.
You sound exactly like this loser who everyone hated on this site. VQkag2. The guy used to manipulate vote with sock puppets. Real stupid, real childish. You know him?
You putrid sick fuck.
I'm so glad there are losers in the world so I can have more
I thought I saw her/him earlier today
Kettle meet pot. LOL. I see you are posting a bit on VQ in another post. Do you miss him? Is the sock puppet voting your only problem with him.? Why so much attention for someone so hated?
I'll be happy to answer - I do not work for the DNC - I have never been to a DNC meeting.
I have been to many hundreds hours working in OWS meetings.
And many antiwar rallies - Vietnam Specifically what do you DO for OWS?
I suggest that personal attacks are juvenile.
Your wanting to know what I teach my son is beyond stupid. If you disagree with my post, tell me why.
Oops Repubs don't wanna rebrand.
Puberty qualification testing may be accomplished with a simple survey question.
Anyone who fails to respond positively to the assertion that billionaires, Giga banks and monster corporations are the greatest threat to survival that has ever assualted the human race and must be taxed into extinction, fails the test.
The scrubs will be sterilized before they're old enough to breed along with all spawn of the rich. The threat will disappear in a couple of decades. So will the curse of cons.
Repubs rebooting but can't hide their selfish ideology.
Your proposal is a little extreme.
Yeah, my tongue kinda extremely distends my jowl line. But seriously, I guess I should refer all those who look for justice to the conservative habit of justifying the means by whatever works to achieve the end.
You know. Means like torture, drone murders, lies about WMD to achieve ends like Exxon and BP's Iraqi contracts that Saddam refused - and sweetheart deals at that. The only price to pay is Iraqi powerplants, schools and universities, health care, communications, fleeing population, starving and shot up men, women and children. But the world is better off without Saddam so who will mention extreme anything, when the rich benefit.
Ok. Well there it is. Certainly there is lotsa justification for extreme solutions.
Well, one thing you can say for Carl Rove - he's "Carl Rove." As such he's a millionaire while most of you "here" are penny grubbing paupers. But I see no real difference between him and those of you here who pitch the party for pennies.
And with all his millions Rove (And you) lost. Beaten like an old salvation army drum by the penny grubbing paupers who will be taking back our country/government from the greedy, selfish 1% corp plutocrats.
The power of the people is greater than the people in power!
'I' would have lost regardless of who won: Republican, Democrat, it makes no difference - they're all thieves. Obama has been every bit as active raping this country as Bush was.
Yeah their "all the same". I hear that bullshit all the time. Whatever you say. Vote Green.
I do vote green and that's precisely the reason I hate both parties.
Well done. I think green got almost 1/2 a percent! You're almost their.
I wish 3rd party access was possible. I can't pretend the people in power have not changed the rules to freeze all 3rd parties out.
I must work to change that unfairness, (as well as remove the oligarchal control, and economic inequity) and that means fighting the existing corru[t pols and agitating for progressive solutions for all the above.
Dems won big in 08. R won big in 10. D won big in 2012.
The Duopoly will keep you on this path of chasing your tail for your entire life. All while being in bed with the very people you are protesting against.
Hell, back in 1964 and '92 everyone was saying the same thing about the GOP that they are now. And the Dems were dead in 72, '88, and 2004. We need a third party to starve them to death for real.
Best explanation of repub rebranding? Funny at least.
Repubs dealing with their own overreach like dems did when they went too far right in the 70's
and the voters keep bouncing back and forth, getting sick of one party and voting for the other, keeping them both alive. that's why we need another outlet.
Here is a new story on their plan to make themselves more attractive to the people.
Don't be fooled
Anti-dem! Stop spreading lies. We must push for progressive solutions for the 99%.
What lies are you referring to?
You've been spreading lies from day one, like all republicans do. Your username is a lie. Help the 99% will ya?
VQ, are they paying you double today? Maybe you can post more requests to ban posts with the word "sucks" in them.
What is wrong with the word sucks? Repubs suck because they do the bidding of the corp 1% oligarchs. Thats why they are trying to rebrand. Remember the post?
I've never requested a comment be banned. Ever. I've never requested a comment be removed because it had the word 'sucks' in it either.
That is you resorting to lies because the truth doesn't serve your agenda.
And your weak, dishonest effort to malign me is just an attempt to distract from the topic of this post.
Republicans got their ass kicked and are now in disarray trying to "rebrand"
We MUST change campaign/election laws to create equal fair access for 3rd parties and we MUST get money out of politics.
Too bad the foxes are guarding the hen house.
We CAN force the changes I listed!
The power of the people is greater than the people in power.
tea partyitis. This is interesting.
Here's the problem with repub rebranding.
Republican stress with new brand.
We definitely need a 3rd party, (1st change campaign/election rules to create fair access)
However, republicans have never ha this big a problem since Watergate. Difference is that Watergate was easily deniable. All preceding candidates just denounced Nixon.
Now republicans have to denounce their entire ideology of the last 30 years. Thanks to OWS, more people are aware & vocal. More groups are active and the national dialogue has changed against the republican agenda.
The Dems also had a similar dillema from the 70's forward. They were forced to denounce their ideology and move right.They did. Which is why we've had 2 factions of one party. A duopoly for decades.
OWS is changing that as well. Resurrecting a real progressive movement. Dem party is trying to embace it but they haven't come on board yet.
Kucinich, Sanders, and their fellow progressive caucus members are making the most........progress. but we need to add to their numbers.
You don't like the dems? Are you a right wing conservative?
I do not like anti 99% policies. I am a left wing progressive. You?
It sounds more like you're anti dem? Republicon!
In fact I am anti any dem who has supported anti 99% policies.
Is that a problem for you?
Anti-dem equals pro republican.
A bit simplistic. But so? Is pro Repub not allowed here? I thought OWS welcomed people of all political persuasions.
A lot of republicans like you come here to troll. Is that why you're here? You should support progressive solutions for the 99%.
i do support progressive solutions for the 99%.
Are republicans not allowed here?
Republicans don't support progressive solutions, so no, you are not allowed here. It's better you go back to your church.
Are you some authority here? I believe in fact my political views are allowed. Whatever they are. You don't get to judge, define, or determine if I'm allowed here. Sounds kinda intolerant and fascist, that is most definitely NOT what OWS is about.
That's not even VQ. It's probably Thrashy. He's fucking with you.
There is some Dirty, Evil, Skulldugdery Shit going on on this forum now. The tail is wagging the dog. Time to BAIL and find new means of communication !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who The Fuck actually pays for the operation of this site, and Who the fuck really operates this site, and in Who the fuck's interest is this site now opperated????
What impression does this site now give of this movement to the uninitiated????
Time to stop evading these questions? Time to stop being mesmerized by the flow of words, and get engaged in Real Meaning - Ya Think? Time to get engaged in the Real Dynamic of social transformation - Ya Think????
I couldn't help posing these last questions for those remaining here who actually belong here.
We Must Find a New Form Of Communication !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Oh, now let's hear our Tr@shyMaster talk about "flouncing," or whatever he and his 50+ full-time paid ops are fingering up their little "on message" psych-ops sleeves . . . Fuck it here! You dig?
-See you in the clear light!
He's clearly not serious, and certainly not contributing anything positive to the forum. It was a silly interlude for me. I much prefer discussing issues that affect the 99%. I'd rather avoid all the gossipy personal drama. Y'know?
Vq calls any who don't support him republican. Welcome to his special world.
You were making perfect sense, then he comes and calls You a repub, when you clearly are not. He is really simplistic one sided. You were praising progressive dems like sanders and Kucinich, so wtf knows what vq wants. Seems his computer crashed and took all his points, or someone is impersonating him. That may be it.
Not likely you speak for VQ though right? Clearly you don't have a good opinion of him. I would ask for proof but I don't care.
Better we spend our time discussing issues that affect the 99% no?
Your republican camp will never offer progressive solutions. Leave the dark side my son.
No need. I am firmly in the progressive camp. Always have been. You are clearly confused. This is a silly game.
progressive solutions ? you mean the take down of the constitutional republic?
They must change their anti 99% agenda.
How about a second one? :)
true that :)
gravity and jack in the boxes are less predictable than you are
sticks and stones may break my bones
you can go back in your bucket