Forum Post: Republicans are BEGGING for help!
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 20, 2012, 4:40 p.m. EST by DiMasciosBridge
from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Watching the nazi-like right wing republicans go after THEIR own President is classic! I can hardly wait for the movie, (I mean history books). It used to anger me a bit, but now it's getting so blatant that it's FUN! Especially when I see THEM getting so angry. LMAO! Oh sure, the hate works for the small-minded rednecks who are scared of what will be seen as one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived, but you gotta admit, it's fun to watch them dangle at the end of this political-rope. (Oops. Accidentally blew a dog-whistle. Guess I'm learning). Republicans are BEGGING for help the way they do it best, by conjuring-up HATE, but this is not their (fore)-fathers' land anymore. This is the NEW America and whether they want to or not, they're just going to have to get used to it! OBAMA...4 MORE YEARS!
Look, I am a liberal, but can't you imagine, (JUST IMAGINE, that;s all), after so many years, why a black person might at least WANT to feel good about this Presidents chances to help the nation the SAME way they felt about other Presidents, which just so happened to be white? Trust me...he hasn't helped me much either, but you know what...neither have any of the rest of them and I pledged my allegiance to the very same flag under them.
I almost feel silly trying to explain this to anyone anymore! It's like the hatred is buried SO deeply within them that nothing and I mean NOTHING including the almighty god that most of them claim to be living for can even reach it in order to nullify it.
I suppose they can play the game though if they like, but I know they see at LEAST a little of this...racism. I know they don't like the word because it causes emotions to surface that they don't want, (or perhaps know HOW) to deal with, but THIS President, for SOME reason, has got their panties in such a twisted bunch that they can't even walk straight anymore!
If I were white, (and I just may be), I could see it-at least a LITTLE of it! HELL, even HITLER HIMSELF could see it! (But then he wasn't scared like some of them)
I guess it just hurts a little to know that SO many people in this day and age in America still act as if it's ALL MADE UP. Sad really. Insane, to be more precise.
Look, many times I've admitted to things that I really didn't want to, even though it was difficult-and it was by first admitting that there was a problem that I was able to begin a process of finding a solution for it.
Could it really be that hard for others to do the same?
Apparently so.
I CAN imagine, and you're right.
We ARE making a difference so thanks. I don't really think it's about right or wrong, but I appreciate your open-mindedness.
That's true! I wonder what's gonna happen this fall?
So you are saying the only reason he is a great president is because he is black?
Which means he's judging Obama based on the color of his skin-even if it's in a GOOD way. If skin color doesn't matter-and it doesn't-then treat Obama the EXACT same way you would if he was WHITE. And if he WAS white, and white people hated him, you wouldn't be able to call them RACISTS would you?
Ok, I'll try again with a southern accent if it'll help.Ya'll folks are the ones saying that! I am simply offering you an opportunity to use your imaginations to an extent that you've obviously never done, or perhaps...CAN'T do.
It's so deep you are unable to reach it. No wonder your afraid and angry.
I think it's sooooo funny to watch the repubs go CRAZY during this campaign.
Right! lol INSANELY crazy. Ha!
They are going to put the wood to your fat ugly ass along with all the rest of you Marxist teat suckers.
Dude, you're not going to go get drunk or anything are you? Surely you have SOME sense of self-control. How am I able to pull your strings so easily? This really is HILARIOUS!
Republicans are our puppets! LMAO!!! They REALLY are very easy to manipulate. As we progress in this election cycle they will FALL for just about ANYTHING because of their deep sense of hatred. They don't even know that they're doing it and even if they did there's really nothing they can do about it. YEARS of parents teaching children about hate is coming to a wonderful head. They're just about gone forever. What we, as regular Americans must do, is keep pressing their buttons! We have control of their emotions and they don't even know it!
well said.
Republicans are starting to lose it. I wonder if they even see it? The Germans who followed Hitler into an infamous history probably went through the exact same thing.
Perhaps the middle-of-the-road republicans can lasso them back to reality before they go over the edge altogether.
I know right?! Watching the house and senate republicans trying to fool somebody into thinking that they actually know what they're doing would be frickin' hilarious if it weren't so frightening.
The frightening thing is that it's all calculated. Each and every thought behind each and every idea is based upon what can be done THIS TIME to promote failure for the...(let's just say) president.
MAN! Can you already see the history books!!! Patriots...mmm hhmm.
No shame. Never really had any I suppose.
We can help them by talking things out. As long as they're willing to listen instead of just finding fault.
Nice statement..we'll see.
I agree with the point of this post essentially. The greatest mistake of those who blame Obama, is that they refuse to admit that the system was corrupt when he got there, and that it is impossible for one man to fix a corrupt system alone. In the mid-terms he was side-swiped by a bunch of the most reight-wing nut-jobs yet elected to Congress with the express intent of destroying his agenda.
The reason this fact has been largely ignored, in favor of a scewed narrative of his first three years in office, is, I think, largely due to his race. Rather than attacking Obama, we must attack those Congresspeople who were elected on a wave of Republican racism, and push the Democrats to the left.
The mess we are in was 30 years in the making. 30 years of bank deregulation and moving our jobs to China. Obama stepped into this mess and has spent his first term putting out the fires that the neocons and neoliberal economists lit. I don't approve of some of the wall street bankers he has hired, and he has had to deal with the worst congress ever..I wish him luck and support for his second term
When it comes down to him Vs. Mitt the nit, believe me, I will not be "boycotting" the voting booth! Anybody who thinks things can't get worse is just a babe in the woods. Damn right I'll vote Obama, dispite my disapointment that he isn't Superman.
Worst congress ever? Would that include the Democratic majority in the house and senate for two years? Have you considered that maybe Obama doesn't actually want to change things?
Since Reagan started the outrageous national debt problem every president has been in the same boat. The have 4 years to look good and not plunge the country into a depression due to our worsening trade deficit and the only way to do that is tax the rich or borrow so they borrow. When a democrat gets elected the right goes into spasms about spending but when a republican get elected like Cheney said " deficits don't matter". The only person I've heard talk about America's real problem, our trade deficit, is Obama---and he is not going to get much support from big money to fix that.
Well then, why did he make all those promises that he "can't keep"? Was it because of his "naivety" in "believing that he could change things"?
Because if that's the case it just goes to show how "inexperienced" he was in thinking that way. He sure did make a lot of "broken promises" didn't he.
Yes, he did do that.
republicans had no fore fathers they were born of jackals
LOL---------------- : )
I can't even begin to understand how some of you people are even able to exist on a day-to-day basis. I didn't think it possible for people to be so lost and still wake up in the morning and...what...go to a job? Do you have jobs? I know you have to be doing something during your waking hours. Unless you're institutionalized I almost want, in some perverse way, to give you credit. Dressing yourselves, feeding yourselves.
Good one!...;) and I thought you guys had no sense of humor.
You know what is really ignorant? The Communistic Democrats do the exact same thing when there is a Republican President in office. Of course your perspective is completely different then isn't it? Get out of your parents basement and get some real life experience.
"Real-life" is exactly what we'll all be experiencing soon. The U.S. Spring will aide us all in getting up and getting out.
The republicans need to remember that Reagan loved unions, he called them a basic right actually. He also has been quoted saying that millionaires need to pay their fair share in taxes.
Very true statement.
When you stop to think about, America itself is a big...UNION, but...(sshhhh), don't tell em.
right, and Obama's the chief shop steward
holy crap, you're right. never really thought about it that way. but yeah.. it is funny as hell. they're pissed off as a mofo.
Right!!! lol huh? And almost SCARY how most folks can't seem to see what's happening...RIGHT BEFORE THEIR EYES!
I mean...DAMN! Didn't we learn anything from how the Jews..(somehow...) couldn't see what was ABOUT to happen based on hate?
I wonder....
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While I don't agree with Kirby and especially his name-calling rants, I don't agree with you either.
Please, explain to me exactly what President Obama has accomplished that will lead historians to rank him as one of the greatest Presidents.
He certainly has not been one of the most effective leaders, more of a reactive leader and his accomplishments, so far, have been few and far between.
He is a good public speaker, but his landmark healthcare bill turned out to be such a watered-down mess, even one-time supporters wonder what they got aside from a puff of hot air.
And while Barack Obama ran promising to reduce American involvement in foreign wars and bring real change, up to now the United States seems to have as many troops overseas as it did under George W. Bush, and change has been mostly limited to rhetoric and personnel, not anything really substantial.
No, I believe President Obama will probably be rated as an average President, certainly not one that changed America or the world drastically.
Good to know opposition can be reasonable. a loose term. Whomever can't see how effective this President is in bringing out the racial and economic hatred of yourcountry must be blind!
After the history books have been written, what is invisible to some will be as clear as day. I really don't expect most Americans to be able to understand because as Americans they are bias; IE...God bless America?
Most folks see what they want to see and block out the rest, (or truth if you will), and the rest is just beginning to take shape thanks to the hatred of so many in your country.
Yeah,Obama has kept the economy in the toilet with his policies and the country is pissed,but you want to spin this into "effective"?
You are a typical propagandized Drone. You however make a great example of the intellectually challenged that put the Kenyan in the (now) White Mosque. But you seem to think the rest of your fellow Demotards will come back for more of that hope and change swill in Nov. Don't count on it. Sorry,you probably can't count either but you might get the point.
I am a typical propagandized Drone. I have however made a great example of the intellectually sharpened that put the Kenyan in the (NOW) WHITE MOSQUE. I think my fellow democrats WILL come back for more of that hope and change swill in Nov. I'll count on it. Sorry, I don't count you, but you...(probably)...get the point.
Talk about a plagiarizer.
Look,I'm sorry I should have prefaced my reply with
"no offense,I'm just being constructively critical".
If someone doesn't point out your flaws and give you input you could continue down this road to nowhere.
You don't have to be sorry, and you certainly haven't offended me, but if someone doesn't point out your flaws and give you input, you could continue down this road to nowhere.
There seems to be a drone-ish type echo in this Forum.
I believe he has been rated one level below "Jimmy Carter"
You fuckhead liberals just can't imagine that maybe people disagree with his policies and actions, can you? It always has to be racism. Fuck you and everyone who thinks like you.
Proof. Thanks.
I consider myself to be a redneck and I do not really see anyone really attacking Obama. What I see along with well over 65% or more of Americans is the lack of leadership by him, not to mention that he has made our Country worse off, since he took office. We need a leader and not a wannabe
Apparently he's leading a large group of folks like you to hate like you've never hated before, so I'd say he's doing a pretty effective job.
Yes I do admit that he did a fine job dividing the Country
Good. Then we agree on something at least.
The right arm of the country has been successfully pissed off and on, by this joke of a president and his leftist attack dogs. Bye bye Obama, down the shithole of leftist extremism you go, along with your cronies and their arrogance.
God I love "making" you HATE! LMFAO Thank you!
Get back under Obamas desk you little dog.
The anger is so overwhelming that you can't even direct it correctly. Come can do better than that can't ya?
I agree with this post. I just think a bit of civility could be called to order...;)
Civility IS a good thing. We MUST..... at least ......................................try.
True. I wouldn't worry too much though. There's always a bit of trepidation before a peace-process begins.
Is it not arrogance that makes one spit and spew language that degrades the President?
What "so-called" lover of democracy and liberty can maintain such filth of words towards a head of a government that represents the "founding fathers" creativity in forming such said government for a country? It is such said democracy that keeps in check the finger pointing "dogs" who would eagerly put their foot on the neck of others if such a constitutional government did not exist... When you can't see your own negativity others will see your hatred very clearly!! Hate the representative, you hate who and what the government stands for, obviously!! Don't blame him if the individual people of a nation are weakminded!
Well said.
Unfortunately the extreme voters on the "right" are steering this ship and apparently they have TOTAL CONTROL of the not-so-angry, center-right voters of the country. One would think that a person of sense representing the republican party would speak-up and denounce some of the filth that IS being targeted at the President; Their OWN President! It DOES seem kinda strange that the party of "country" HATES their very own President.
...wonder what it could be?
I'm sure you are a bush lover too. I've never met a liberal that's words weren't filled with hatred for him. I could be wrong about you, but I doubt it.
Uh...could be and ARE...(wrong). The only bush I'll ever love is the kind you've obviously been missing out on. Lighten up dude. Try to get yourself a little bush if you can. It'll make you feel better trust me.
I'm not going on a diet anytime soon. My yard is full of bushes already, so I'm good on that one too.
He doesn't respect our founders, and his wife was never proud of this country until he was elected. She said that herself. I'm sure you've been a bush hater. I could be wrong, but I doubt your words for him have been overflowing with love and respect. But I see your larger point. Thanks.
I know a lot of Democrats that liked GWB as a person. What most people I know say, is that he was a good man being led by angry, hateful people behind him.
What a coincidence, I consider you to be a redneck too. Unfortunately, that's where our agreements begin to divide.
The history books will show what you and your supposed 65% were actually seeing; RED! I know what this author is talking about and I also know why folks like you won't admit to it. It's not really your fault. American society has allowed certain beliefs to go unexplained, creating a form of reality based solely on hate.
Obama is the worst community organizer to ever occupy wall street, and the oval office. He is a leftist, divisive arrogant manipulator of facts. When his jaw moves he is lying. The country is flat on it's back and he is out on the golf course for the 95th time. He has split us right down the middle. Class warfare is his MO. he was supposed to be the uniter. What a joke.
Just like every President since Reagan.
You are an unpleasant person, whose idea of discussion is calling names, screaming, and holding your breath.
Please, instead of hysteria, provide some type of logical argument that actually makes sense to someone other than yourself.
95 holes of golf....not times silly. I watch fox too, except I remember what they say, not turn it into whatever I want to. Typical. lol
95 ROUNDS ( 18 holes to a round) of golf, NOT how many holes played.
He's a flunky dipshit who has no idea of what a round of golf is.
you're right.
Typical ignorance. I dont blame you guys, your parents taught you to think like this. However, I would presume you're adults now so it's kinda up to you to not keep on acting childish. And you wonder why America is like you say it is....your argument is about golf....LMFAO!!! Now come on....GET MAD
admit it, you screwed up, you know nothing about golf.
lol DID get me on that one, but you see I CAN be fair. I wish I could say the same for most of you Americans.
"you Americans"? what country are you from?
Gods country.
you responded but did not answer.
What country SHOULD I "come" from?
you're not an american.
initially, yes.
You sir are a mentally retarded flunky. Now go hang out with your Karl Marx wannabe friends, and drink yourself to death like Karl did. this is too easy! Don't go and get so mad you beat up your wife or kids or anything. It's just conversation guy.