Forum Post: Republicans are 50% of the 99%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 2:34 a.m. EST by sudoname
from Berkeley, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Most of OWS's biggest or earliest supporters are very liberal, but if this movement really is something different, we will get over our differences.
The bible says to forgive debts, and just as importantly it doesn't allow collecting interest. Aren't debts and interest why many are protesting? The bible doesn't mention much about corporate bribes to government officials, but I think devout christians would agree that this is immoral.
There is common ground with us. We probably won't be friends forever, but we need allies.
agreed, over all we need the republicans to awaken from being dupes and join us.
According to a 2008 article by David Rothkopf, the world’s 1,100 richest people have almost twice the assets of the poorest 2.5 billion (Rothkopf, 2008). Aside from the obvious problem – that this global elite has their hands in everything from politics to financial institutions – …
To the extent that we, the people, are removed from control over our lands, marketplaces, central banks, and media we are no longer empowered. In practice, those few who do control the land, central bank, media and "free market" are the real rulers of our corrupt and declining "democracy."
Due to propaganda from a corporate-owned and edited media we are kept from knowing, much less debating, the nature of our system. Due to a central bank owned by bankers, media owned by a few global concerns, and trade regime controlled by global corporations (i.e., one designed to remove the people from control over their markets and environments) the vast majority have become little more than latter-day serfs and neo-slaves upon a corporate latifundia.
To restore a semblance of effective democracy and true freedom Americans, and people around the world, need to re-educate themselves as to the true nature of their political and economic systems. Toward this end, is dedicated to providing old and new information, books, links, reform ideas and debates not easily found or accessed today in establishment media. is but one more site and sign of the times as ground-up counter-revolutions arise around the world... all in response to a forced and freedomless globalization courtesy of a ruling global elite perfecting their top-down plutocracy and revolutions of the rich against the poor. In short, democracy is no longer effective today. For this reason, it is toward a restoration of truly effective and representative democracies, and natural freedom, that this site is dedicated.