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Forum Post: Republicanism and Social Libertarian Ideals - can they mix.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 11, 2011, 1:38 a.m. EST by invient (360)
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Hello all,

I am writing this to share what I believe these terms to mean and pose some questions.

Republicanism : the ideology which protects the minority from the majority, while establishing a government through an electing body consisting of the people. Where in the powers of this government are held ultimately in the people.

Constitutional Republic : the same as a republic but wherein power is limited by a combination of strict adherence to a constitution and a series of check and balances between divisions of government ( typically judicial, legislative, executive).

http://thomas.loc.gov/home/histdox/fed_39.html This federalist paper defines a republic.

IMO what we have now and have had for a long time is no where near a republic. The same goes for state governments. I don't think going back to this is best idea because of the context of when it was written. The modern day idea of a corporation did not exist, the pollution is much worse now, and checks and balances are subverted by moneyed interests.

There is a way to amend the constitution to deal with these concerns. The amendment that grants congress power to deal with anything that effects interstate commerce is in my opinion leading to abuse of power.

That was fun to think through, I think I am a republicanism convert. I know this may sound odd but I think I can mold my libertarian socialism ideals with republicanism. Just replace democracy in the work place with republicanism in the work place... what do you think?

----------edit------------- An elaboration on the above:

perhaps a system wherein the stock holders count as one division, the employees as another, and the CEO/board as the last one... obviously a lot of debate would have to occur on the separation of powers so that adequate checks and balances are put in place.

The employees act as one part of a legislature, while the stockholder act as another. CEO act as the executive branch obviously. A committee of an odd numbered elected shareholders and employees, with the tie breaking vote by a single representative from the board. This would be the judiciary, which would use the corporate charter to determine if an action is "just"...



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