Forum Post: Republican Pat Buchanan Called Us CLOWNS on TV Program
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 6:24 p.m. EST by Restorefreedomtoall1776
from Bayonne, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
On The McLaughlin Report this past Sunday morning, Pat Buchanan, a failed Republican candidate for the presidency in the distant past, called us CLOWNS. Since he is, without any doubt, the Clown-in-Chief, maybe he is - in his own twisted way - trying to pay us a compliment.. If so, let me say that we decline the honor, if it can be called that.
That's one of the Stages of a social organisation that is succeeding is to "Ridicule it"......................................... The next stage will be to marginalize it, by trying to have a repore with the group and get them to compromise their position, just a little bit, there is no such thing as a little compromise and the powers know this.
I agree. That's what happened to the Tea Party.
Except the Tea Party is the "Religious right" re-branding itself.....Also backed by the Koch brothers.
Do not react to a taunt. Art of war: if the opponent is easy to anger keep on making your opponent angry. I am just paraphrasing
It was a great honor----first they ignore us--then they laugh at us ( clowns) -then we win-- gaundhi training web page "glaucon"
This loser becaming Extrem righ when he was some what lefty., the GOP they put him on the payroll
That he finds it necessary to comment on us at all, is itself, a small measure of success.
True. We really get under his skin. U can almost see his blood pressure rise when OWS is mentioned. The other people on the panel seem calm, cool and collected, but Pat comes across as a raging bull (or is that "bully").
Read this thread, it proves his point.
Pat Buchanan's an old senile fuddy duddy racist. Who cares what HE thinks & says about anything?
Monitoring one's enemies is a survival tool for those who would change a corrupt system.
How cares what Pat Buchanan says. No one listens to him anyway. He's is a fool.
Monitoring one's enemies is a survival tool for those who would change a corrupt system.
You are clowns.
Well, if so, I'll try to be the very best "clown" I can be. One should always maintain a postitive frame of mind. Thank u for your thoughts.
Why do you care what Buchanan thinks about you?
Monitoring one's enemies is a survival tool for those who would change a corrupt system.
I don't think you know who the enemies of this movement really are.
ICP - lets go all the way