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Forum Post: replacing the symptom fighting system by dealing with symptoms is never a SOLUTION!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:12 a.m. EST by igotmygideonsuit (1)
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this action is a joke.
replacing the symptom fighting system by dealing with symptoms.
Sure you get attention. (Got my attention) but if you want action please know that that action is.

Friday night. I shake hands with an atheist because our common believes how life on earth should be. Did not see you mate but keep ongoing what your doing. But then at the local occupy. Poor.. all.. you.. Sitting there for your own personal self with out any quality if your personal symptoms will be treated. Demanding action but not knowing what.. Calling we should not act like sheep but only act when acting like sheep.

btw stop being such arrogant jerks and make the scope 100% only then there shall be an solution. well there is but you did not listen. I said the atheist already that i would only see it as plan B. plenty of plan B changes and moments. I going back to work on plan A. (harder,less global but so much better quality) plan A-C is a mean to get 'it' rolling.



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[-] 1 points by igotmygideonsuit (1) 13 years ago

O yea there are plenty of incidents that can be solved but that is not a solution for all problems. And i KNOW there is. OII HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH LOLOLLOLOLO replaced by automation. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAA... at 2:00

poor you.