Forum Post: R.e.p.e.l.i.c.a.n.s.
Posted 10 years ago on July 21, 2014, 3:23 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
it really takes a very special kind of fool
to make such a virtue out of ignorance.
. . . repelicans . . .
Lend neither one red cent
nor one thin inch
nor even the patience of your ear
toward repelican machination,
nor their rebellious sedition,
nor their ill conceived treason.
Lend neither one red cent
nor one thin inch
nor even the patience of your ear
for you will surely never get them back.
Sorry - but - I just gotta say - and I expect to receive a lot of crap about it - But - "I" - Absolutely believe in Creation by a higher power. Evolution is just fine to explain the mutations that have gone on since the 1st creation - but I think it totally wrong to totally disregard intelligent creation.
This is my thought and I do not care to fight about it - You - ARE - ALSO - Entitled to your beliefs.
These beliefs do not affect the fact that there are those who have "NO" beliefs and are doing whatever they want to the detriment of all - in the satisfaction of "their" urges.
what about God creating the world, but prying open his instruction manual? We cannot explain why he made the world, but we can figure out how he did it.
Go for it. Have fun. The true journey of understanding - will be - to say the very least - IMMENSE.
No - I do not want to leave any decision making to the insane - and those who would deny global warming and man's very guilty hand in the extremes we are beginning to experience - ARE - ABSOLUTELY - INSANE - creation ( or not ) aside - facts are facts - evidence ( measurable ) is overwhelming.
BTW - if the creationist extremists were to stick to proven facts? Then yes - man does live with dinosaurs = Sharks = Alligators = Crocodiles = that weird fish in the Indian ocean - BUT - NOT - Pterodactyls nor tyrannosaurs - nor stegosaurus - nor etc etc etc. Yes Some pre-historic creatures ( of origination ) do exist = TODAY - but in no way the same way as is being depicted by "some" creationists.
Ah - are you speaking about the NewNewNew Fresh Hot just Delivered Today New Testament - King Robertson edition? ( now with scratch and sniff - just scratch & sniff to c what Jesus feet smelled like before they were washed "for" him ) - get your free copy now - just by mailing in a request to the Texass book suppository...... Ummm singling out replicants would be wrong - btw - singling out supremacists however would be more right than wrong.................
And - on - "THAT" note - aaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAHAAAHAHAhahaha
Tue Jul 22, 2014 at 01:43 PM PDT Creationist Ken Ham: End the space program or go to Hell
by HunterFollow
BTW - droves of southerners are leaving the republican party - masses of people leaving the party like never ever before - the masses are beginning to awaken and apparently get their own education outside of the fucked-up system schools.
TP ? Can you say insane extreme? What else would rush the abandoning of the stinking ( um sorry - sinking ) ship?
[ edit ] Well to be fair to the people of the south - can we blame them for being purposely uneducated by their PTB? I mean how can one explain voting into office representatives ( TPTB ) that deny you health care when you have situations like this ( that those voters are experiencing 1st hand ):
DAMN - sorry - I deleted the article to soon - it showed people standing in lines in Virginia to get charity medical care while standing in the rain in a parking lot just off the interstate. Where it is common for people to demand that all of their teeth be pulled because of the pain and inability to get regular dental care - who then after having all of their teeth pulled - enter into a lottery in the hopes of winning a free set of dentures which of course they have no way in hell of being able to afford to buy for themselves.
edit-> Midwest hmmmmmmmm - that's a pickle - as I thought ( and could very well be mistaken ) that they were or are educated no worse than I - but then ya got Detroit and also walker in Wisconsin - ummmmmm - in those cases - is it possible - that polluted waters are much worse and more wide spread than previously suspected?
SHIT - almost forgot about Chicago - but HEY - they do have lak Michigan in common.
[ edit ] What we have got - if any of the bible is to be believed ( edit-> or any writing that is considered sacred or divinely inspired ) - is that the word of god - is - incorruptible in the writing of such ( oh so many lengthy arguments about that ) one example of the incorruptibility of the written word is supposed to be - that - no matter how many times publishers have been made to remove all reference to god's actual name ( the individual being deemed unfit to know god's name ) - that the name is still in the book - that if an individual ( I depart from designating man or woman or child ) looks for themselves and seeks the truth - that it is there to be found ( again myriad number of lengthy arguments abound ) - the thing is to NEVER rely on another to interpret the bible for/to you - as - therein lies the opportunity for mass deception for that interpreters benefit or IDIOCY/INSANITY. But I am not here to discuss the bible - not it's faults nor any supposed virtues. I am here to discuss that an individual must learn for them-self and take upon them-self the task of weighing the truth of any issue that comes ( faces them ) to them.
" Seems "
Good - you are withholding judgement - don't take my word for it - don't take someone Else's word for it - weigh the matter for yourself.
Did I ? - well perhaps so - just not all at once tonight ( though it might have seemed so ) - I have only been thinking about such things since I was about 5.
BTW - it is not - " been there done that " - as it is a process that does not end.
I keep trying to do that and do a miserable job of it quite often.
You know the answer to that. YES. And we get back to that magic number combination ( 1% & 99% - kind of - and funny that ) - as the best lie will be like 99% truth with a 1% twisted lie in it - a lesson Mittens never learned - Hey?
Like the economy? "Hell" that has been fiction for decades now.