Forum Post: Remove thier legal and moral authority to rule us.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 9:06 a.m. EST by 123Njord
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In the next national election, go to the polls, mark a large "X" on the ballot. A vote of no confidence taking away Washington career politician's legal and moral authority to govern and rule us which I now belive is a majority position of citizens This action would be far more powerful then all of the protests put together, it would be a modern cannon shot heard round the world....a direct assault on Wall Street's empire, the real voice of the people. Question, has anyone noticed the propaganda attack on the protests, even the lack of coverage by the corporate owned and controlled news media...a few years ago there was a spontaneous and disorganized growth of citizen protests against government and Wall the most brilliant act of political theater and subterfuge it was taken over by opportunists and then out of power Republicans, Bush and Cheney were the original targets...with cold hard cash and staged events...hell teh media even named it "The Tea Party Movement" to define and control it....the most brilliant move in US politcial history... be aware of them because they will do and say anything to stop, own and control this...