Forum Post: Remind Police & Military they belong to the 99%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:52 p.m. EST by Carlotta
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I REALLY lost faith in our system when the Supreme Court voted to allow corporations to make campaign contributions to candidates, effectively obligating politicians to favor the FatCat$' objective$. Our system is broken! May I respectfully suggest that OWS and all of its OccupyUSCities carry signs on the front line that remind the police and military they, too, are part of the 99% who are going to eventually pay for corporate greed in the form of cuts in their pay, pensions, health benefits, etc. while the FatCat$ of Wall Street (big financial institutions and large corporations – not small businesses) continue to receive unwarranted huge salaries, bonuses and golden parachutes - all the while remaining unaccountable for their actions and performance. I've got to believe there are some thoughtful, intelligent folks in our police and military who are empathetic and/or have the ability to think for themselves and will become "enlightened" as to what this is all about, thereby eventually standing with us. If not, we need to get them to start thinking about it. If things get ugly, we'll want those with a brain and conscience to 'stand down', i.e.,halt offensive action and instead "stand with us". Keep it up OWS!