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Forum Post: Remembrance of Things Past

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 10:57 a.m. EST by wagin (0)
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Forty two years have passed since I have seen evidence of a strong heart connection between absolute strangers attempting to relate to one another in a real and direct way. Without guile, without status being an interloper, without a clear plan; just relating in the moment from a place of good will and a recognition of common creation and destiny together. Back then, we were called idealistic (meaning not practical) and were looked down upon because of unconventional appearances in hippie garb and made folks nervous because we were inclusive of all kinds, which threatened 'safe distances' folks unconsciously walled themselves behind. But we had discovered that those distances were what propped up judgement, prejudice and the ultimate fallacy that we were better than or fundamentally different from anyone else. We had seen the unvarnished truth and it would be difficult to retreat to the illusion of separation again.

But as the years turned to decades, it seemed that my searching eye failed to see signs of upliftment of spirit by the masses which comes from a shared recognition that the burdens of life are not just individual experiences, but intimately entwined reality. And that such common recognition reveals the solution to our individual suffering. The realization that we each have the power to affect each others experience and thus our own. Though it has been long in coming from that flash of enlightenment which captivated a generation in the sixties, I am heartened to see it again begin in Zacutto Park. Namaste.....................Donations on the way



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