Forum Post: Remember there are new people coming on board every moment
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by Democracydriven
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Many of these people are misinformed or really don’t have a true feel for what is going on. Be patient, it takes a while for the picture to develop. Give them guidance and understanding. If you don’t, you may be proving what they already “think” they know.
welcome aboard!
A million people march is probably not far of or unthinkable I don't know if you know about this site but it seems as though they are the central site for knowing where protest are and the grownth of the movement
thanks, was trying to find that site, cheers
Let's get educated! I feel (and many others) that only way we can get back on safe financial footing again is to close the Enron Loophole, created for energy/oil speculators, and bring back The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which prevented the current banking and insurance loopholes/scams. After all, it worked great until late 90's, until when Congress threw it out. Since then, like prior to 1933, we are experiencing what our country went though then, total Wall Street Greed with no Penalties, its all legal Gambling now...thanks to the architects of our new system in 1999, President Clinton and Rep Senator Phil Gramm. Think about where we are now, it all started in 1999 with the subprime loans Gramm was preaching on Senate floor.
Howtodoit, I am going to have to be away from my computer for 3-4 hrs, yeah I know, get something started then bail. Sorry I'll perma link this and get back as soon as possible.
I'll be here
Let's united with a Million People March on The Hill,. Post a forum: Million People March to Washington, D.C. to Refrorm Wall Street: Our Agenda
Time to find suppoters, organizers, and volunteers, make it a Woodstock!
A million people march is probably not far of or unthinkable I don't know if you know about this site but it seems as though they are the central site for knowing where protest are and the grownth of the movement
your welcome. I feel its the only way...
This Forum received some good stuff could you help keep it alive for a while to see if it attracts more
Thanks again, if this survives maybe we can link back to it to help the new people.
let me know, I'll be on top of this for a long time:
his financial reform movement has been a dream of mine since 2008, after hearing the Congressional Hearing on Energy Reform and on how Financial Deregulations hurts the hard working Americans, and turns undeserved brokers/executives into overnight Millionaires!
These links are very helpful (my opinion) Thanks again
How we can easily Reform Wall Street: Take away their powers once again.
"We are here Congress because we want to bring BACK the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which saved our country from the Great Depression by preventing banks and insurance companies from merging and becoming large brokerage firms; instead of Banks and Insurance companies--can't we learn a history lesson here Congress? Btw, why did most of you vote for its repeal in 1999?
Think about where we are now, it all started in 1999 with the subprime loans Senator Phil Gramm was peaching on Senate floor.
Furthermore, we also want you to CHANGE the Commodities Future Modernization Act of 2000 BACK to where it was before 2000, which since has deregulated energy markets and has allowed for such scams as The Enron Loophole; whereas in the early 2000's Enron Corp. was charging 400 bucks plus for a kilowatt hour...They all when to jail for this. But, the Enron loophole is still not closed, for example, allowing speculators to resell barrels of oil over and over again before it reaches the gas station owner. It's basically, legal gambling at our expense. What were those lawmakers thinking then? What are you thinking now? Either do the right think, or you're part of the 1%."
Why are oil prices high? The Enron Loophole
Rolling Stones Reporter: Truth about Goldman Sachs--how they have cornered the markets--basically, The Enron Loophole and the Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in 1999.
Thanks for the imput, that is the stuff people need to be pointed to
Let's help inform them, let's help awaken them, let's embrace them!
If you don't mind could you give this forum a bump, I would like to see if it can attract more imput like it has already received, thanks