Forum Post: Remember the politicians supporting OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 3:21 p.m. EST by bre0001
from Brooklyn, NY
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I hope you people remember the politicians who were supporting this joke in the next elections. You will notice most of them are Democraps. They want to divide the people and do it any way they can.
Is this what you want in a representative, someone who supports violence, pitting people against each other? Vote Democraps out or this country is doomed.
Please... both parties are 2 sides of the same coin.
Partisan Ideologue.
"Democraps"?? WTF, are you thirteen? High School is over. This is not a popularity contest. People are losing their homes, losing their jobs, losing their sanity, and even killing themselves (literally) out here. The suffering is real, and everywhere, and instead of lifting a finger to help all you can do is play this stupid tired Two-party political game owned by the Corporate cabal. Wake TF up bre0001.
The democrats want ows as an answer to the tea party which is assumed to be pro republican but really isn't in the modern term. They're attempting to set up controlled opposition between ows and the tea party. Theyre worst nightmare is both sides embracing Ron Pa ul. The tea party already has that's why there's censorship on Ron Lawl because were discouraged to talk about him.
maybe, if the two factions come together, compromised on a plan and gave it to congress, they would be understanding. no?
Not to worry. As public support keeps dropping for the OWS group, you will see less and less support from the Dems. Soon, they all will be denouncing this movement.
That's the dems for ya. Class ( economic) warfare.
well, i'd say it takes two to tango. would you like to dance?
Why don't you ask some union goon?
because i meant, do you want to test wits. that is how people during the Founder's time danced.
In colonial America, the minuet was the dance, NOT the tango.
always learning. thank you!