Forum Post: Remember the Fallen
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 12:23 p.m. EST by astrorighteous
from Tempe, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I think there needs to be a memorial for those who have been arrested during marches or demonstrations. Updated every day. I feel like it would accomplish a few things: For one, it would allow people outside of the demonstrations, in other cities around the country and world, just how many people exactly have been arrested during this movement. I feel they deserve to be known for the minor sacrifice. This is a war. They are our soldiers. When they are taken from the battlefield by the opponent, its like they are wounded and deserve to be given the respect for their efforts.
Second I would like to imagine that if there are names to go with the arrests, and the amount of arrests that are made on a daily basis in the various cities, it will make the effort more personal. Michael Williams certainly sounds more impacting than just 700 people.
I understand however, that the only real way to get a complete comprehensive list of people who have been arrested is to have a roster of people in any given camp. And I for one am sensitive to those who dont want their names on a list that could just as easily fall into the wrong hands. I am not saying to give more than your name.
Maybe even use a buddy system. You don't have to walk down the streets holding hands, but just be within eyesight and make sure that after said demonstration that you meet again at a specified location and if anyone is thought to be missing and doesn't appear for a few hours then the given buddy reports to a specific person who then reports it online. Even do a multi buddy thing in case you all get swept up.
I dont know how long arrestees are being detained, I couldn't imagine it being long as 700+ people on top of the regular arrests being made would be hard to hold for an extended time and they might be forced to release some but if you are detained then let the people know who you are and the details of your arrest.
Also I thought before about possibly setting up a donation for people who do get arrested to help with the fines that may be sustained. I know that a lot of the people there who are camping 24/7 probably dont have a job and thusly no income, so what happens if they get caught up? They are in a bigger hole than they started. As brothers and sisters in this revolution, we should make an example of our poorly managed government and lend a hand to our comrades.