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Forum Post: Remember, Remember (a call for training).

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 1:39 a.m. EST by Jay31 (60)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It has come to mind that 'Trolls of the Ring' has taken over 'occupywallstreet'. With scenerios and techniques difficult to ignore.

Well my friends. It's difficult to pick apples with my ears shut from nonsense. My eyes seems to have lost sight of what was once a bright bleaming light.

I invite you all for a forum of ideas. Forum full of discussions. Forum where everyone is heard of. Where everyone is a leader and a follower.

I bet everyone seems overwhelmed. I can't blame you. People have taken politics, media and some even have squeezed religion into it. What did you all get out of it? Nothing.

Yet, what you all do have in common is reading post after post, someone making a point, and then a silent troll disposing its dirty self right on it. Following with lost of agendas.

Shame, shame.

What's sad is how it was a movement of powerful people, and not being able to distinct from wrong doers and right ones, just seems not fair at all.

I propose, you take some time and apply to a website (free of charge of course).

Where a moderator does not deal with (you fill in the blanks).


keep in mind. Those applying for the site, will carry the same exact name as given here on; occupywallstreet.org

Once again, do take care. And hope to hear from potentials soon enough.



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[-] 1 points by DocWatson (109) 13 years ago

We are are demands.

Translation for the hard of understanding: Build a bad ass movement and they will come.

[-] 1 points by takeittothebank (11) 13 years ago

wow! true believer...but the medium is the message so you're home. Shame, shame.