Forum Post: Religion & the truth behind it all
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:54 p.m. EST by modszhrafow
from Brisbane Grove, NSW
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Religion, and the Truth Behind it all.
All to often religion has been used as a tool to divide humanity. This is a most unfortunate irony however, as the truth of the matter is that all of humanities many religious ideologies share the same common base of origin in a universal law of truth, the “Law of One”.
This truth declares that everything in existence has its being rooted in one all great, all encompassing consciousness. This great conscious being is driven to create the universes many individual forms of existence out of a passionate desire to know itself, with the creations themselves then becoming the vehicles through which this realisation might occur. Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism,Christianity and Islam all originally came into being through the efforts of enlightened individuals who were fully aware of this truth. Native Shamanism in its many forms, and New Age Spiritualism also have a “gnostic” principle behind them.
The problem with most modern religions is that over time they've lost their link to this universal truth, as the original founding light stream dies out and men of lesser integrity take their place. The tendency then arises for the movement to shift from being one that aids the enlightenment and self realisation process in others, to one that misuses the religions influence over people in a way that controls and manipulates their behaviour. All the worlds avatars have spoken of a need for tolerance toward our fellow man, along with the importance of accepting responsibility for our own behavior towards him. Religious dogmas and most man made laws really only provide excuses for people to deny this responsibility, and legitimises their wrong behavior toward others. The truth unites us in our divinity and never divides, which is the habit of most modern day stagnated and outmoded fundamental religions.
Religious tolerance is of paramount importance. All metaphysical ideologies seek to describe the exact same thing, and typically they use a allegorical writing style to do this , so as to communicate what is by its very nature a difficult thing to communicate to someone who hasn't experienced it. Any differences between them are superficial misinterpretations of these original revelations, or deliberate additions/deletions made at a later date by ignorant people with an alternate agenda*. The fact is that self development is a very personal and individuated process. There are seven billion people on this planet, therefore there will be seven billion different ways of finding our god, or the universal creating dynamic and true self of every human being.
The shared destiny of each and every one of us is to accept responsibility for our actions, and realise the truth to who and what we really are. When this finally occurs there will be no further need for religious organisations as our natural impulse will then be toward creating a new dynamic society for the benefit of all. Just living our lives together in this harmonious way will be a divinely fulfilling act.
*The complete removal of any reference to reincarnation in the christian gospels is an example of this. The “Nag Hammadi Library” of early gnostic christian gospels which was discovered in 1945, has many references to reincarnation spread through out its writings. It is also dated at around 345 A.D, a mere 20 years after the “First Council of Nicene” (325 A.D) removed any mention of reincarnation from the first Catholic churches doctrine . The fact that the early gnostic Christian's went to so much trouble to preserve these documents for posterity is a clear indication of how important the principle of reincarnation was to early christian thought.
"All metaphysical ideologies seek to" blah blah blah. Why all the woo woo talk? As far as we can tell there is no "meta" physical. Just physical. We just don't know what we don't know. Why not just leave it at that?
"This truth declares..." I guess I never got that memo.
"All to often religion has been used as a tool to divide humanity. This is a most unfortunate irony however, as the truth of the matter is that all of humanities many religious ideologies share the same common base of origin in a universal law of truth, the “Law of One”. "
You have the fundamental problem of humanity.