Forum Post: Relief for the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by cpalmer67
from Boston, MA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There seems to be a unifying theme among the 1% - inheritance of accumulated wealth. Many of these people have received great wealth from their ancestors and feel guilty because it was not obtained through real accomplishments of their own.
Perhaps a new rule could be instituted to help redistribute wealth - "you can’t take it with you". It would go something like this:
During your life, you either:
1) spend it 2) give it away to charity, with no limitations 3) give it away to people, with some limitations
At your death, what is left over goes to the coffers.
Coffers will fund:
1) social security for all 2) health care for all 3) education for all 4) a work fund, to create jobs for those individuals who aren't able to find employment on their own so they can earn their own way and not have to live off the government.