Forum Post: Rejoice = no more stinkle/tinkle team point system abuse.
Posted 9 years ago on May 19, 2015, 12:50 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It appears that everyone is now on a level playing field.
Yeah yeah the stinkle/twinkle teamers are still here.
But they can't gang up on comments any more with their gang votes.
They will still be making comments.
But now all comments are equal and will stand or fall on their own merits.
There will be no more silent down vote attacks. If someone has a disagreement with a comment they will now have to state their disagreement rather than just make a silent down vote - and the individual will have the ability to make a reply to each disagreement to their comment if they so choose.
There will be no more tag team up voting of crap comments.
Aahhhhhhhhhh - just smell the freshness of the air.
So how's Bernie doing with fundraising? Really,really well,I hope.
Off topic try again with your shiny object somewhere else.
No more silent down vote crap - to bad so sad.
If you disagree with a comment - now you have to make a comment of your own to voice that disagreement and those that you voice your disagreement to - can reply to your disagreement if they so choose.
Same goes if you agree with a comment - you will have to make a comment to show your approval - and others can respond to those comments if they choose to.
Will you be working from morning to night trying to get people to join the dishonest Democratic Party? What time is dinner served at the DNC, or is it HS?
No - I never have - that is just you and your stinkle team 1%er supporting buddies tossing that crap around.
With the point system turned off. Do you think that you and your 1%er supporting stinkle/twinkle teamer buddies will have a harder time trying to promote your opt out do nothing self defeating propaganda to the public?
Finally, you realized the true nature of the Twinkle Team.
Posted 3 YEARS AGO ! And "You" the leader of point voting abuse is STILL here! Hence Jart is not likely to reopen the sign-up page/function.
I never abused points. I never even cared about points. The one who did is you, we can see that by your score.
Jart never mentioned me when she closed the site. I wasn't even using it at that time. She closed it to stop the Twinkle Team. If it were for me, I would not be posting here at this time.
I re-iterate :
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You infested this site with 100's (1,000's) of socket-puppet/bots - it was taking too much time and attention for Jart to address - So - You forced a shutdown of the sign-up function = CONGRATULATIONS Numb Nuts!
Not at all. I wasn't even using the site when she shut it down.
That day she banned the Twinkle Team. She changed the names of shooz and zendog to shoozTroll and zendogTroll and banned them. After, she shut the site so they couldn't come back.
You forget that? Or you are trying to lie again?
Jart didn't ban or rename Shooz or Zendog - that was "You" hacking the site with information you had from privilege site system access given to you before you had a falling-out with Jart!
Lol, what?
I can't hack the site. I have no admin access or anything.
And, if what you say would be remotely true Jart would have removed the word Troll from their names and reinstated them.
God, you're so ridiculous sometimes.
As I said - Prior access privilege. Of which Jart has likely found and plugged most of your access LOOPHOLES, the remainder of which you would like to keep in place (secret) and not have Jart identify and remove (the remainder), so you are forced to keep low key in your BS and which is why you would like the sign-up function re-opened = so that your crap would be harder to spot if site activity climbed!
You are talking (falsely) as though Jart had the unlimited time to monitor and research site activity!
Why don't you just ask her?
Ask her publicly here for all to see.
She'll confirm you're nothing but a liar.
Why don't "you" ask her for her thoughts/reasoning?
Why in the hell do you need Me to make inquiries for you?
Jart can you tell the world DKAToday is a liar?
Too funny
A copy of your PM to Jart? (I kinda doubt it)
yup it is.
Ohhhhhhhh how it MUST SUCK for You, that when You are having a good day mentally and physically and I am having a bad day mentally and physically - that I still out punch you 99 to 1.
Stop chewing on your liver, grow-up, and find something to do with your time that you can honestly feel good about.
Your having a bad day physically?
Still spend your days naked on your therapeutic bed?