Forum Post: Reinstate Glass-Steagall, Overturn Citizen's United, End Corp. Corruption of Congress
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 11:10 a.m. EST by aahpat
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Naomi Wolf pretty much nailed it with these three contentions posted in her column today.
The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy
Corruption of congress wont end until you end the two parties...
I agree.
George Washington: "Let me now take a more comprehensive view, & warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally."
It won't end until you take down the policy institutes that dominate mainstream discussion.
It won't end until you take down the syndicates corporations create to weasel their views into major media and newspapers.
It won't end until you occupy the offices of where corporate interests and their lawyers conspire to sneak their ideas into the legislature.
Party systems can always be bought. If there were five parties, then they all could be bought. Even if we make a move to pass legislation that bars lots of money from campaigns, corporations will start sending in lawyers and people from their boards to occupy Congress. In fact, that is where many of Congress comes from in our current state.
We are divided in this country, and that is exactly what the 1% want... dividing us and continuing to conquer us through party affiliation and party loyalty.
Yes, reinstate Glass-Steagall.
For anyone interested is taking political action here is a compilation of the CURRENT members of the U.S. Congress who, in 1999, voted to REPEAL Glass-Steagall. These people, more than any in government, deserve the full fury of OWS opposition. In their home districts and states. In their email and at the polls.
The Congress that Crashed America
you mean Keith Steagall the country singer
You posted today, the 27th.
She put her article up on the 25th.
I posted the following last night in comments on her blog:
And if you agree with what I have posted, you can follow the link, which will bring you to the comment itself, where on the right side bar you will find an option to recommend the comment.
Partisan denial.
Bloody Barack Obama is one of the most vicious and authoritarian presidents in American history.
Both parties are a fraud in my opinion. Snake oil salesmen in custom tailored suits. Political affiliation should be illegal. Political party personhood is as evil as corporate personhood.
I guess that bailout of GM smacked just a little too much of
And appointing a new CEO . . . just a little over the top for you?
too bad.
I have to agree, BO is a war monger.
Were he a war monger, he would have followed the advice of John McCain re: Libya and we would have invaded - with boots, tanks, brigades . . .
What do you think happened? Our planes, we have troops there since day one (this from personal friends of mine) and armed all their rebels to do most of the dirty work for us. And will end up worse than before.
These are the actions of a war monger, no matter how you slice it.
so . . . gadhafi . . .
Is or was he a part of the Libyan one percent?
or not?
He was, obviously. And now the new group in charge is. Wonderful how history repeats itself more with errors than successes.
Bottom line is Gadhafi was a none threat, and we went in for resources and gold (he had almost as much as Britain- and with the dollar collapsing, gold is going to be very important).
We created another power vacuum (Iraqis still dealing with bombing everyday), and it will be filled and corrupted soon.
War mongering is attacking without an imminent threat. Obama is now no better than Bush.
Gadhafi was part of the one percent in control of Libya. Thank you.
And now he is
praise god and glory hallelujah
The people of Libya are now free from the heel of a murderous tyrant!
Now we come unto Wall Street . . .
Ok, you are losing me now. All that happened is we removed him and are now putting our own 1% in there. thats it. Thats what the main goal was.
You really think our gov wants the people of Libya to rule their land?
I think the international community was hoping Gadhafi would stand trial.
INstead he took a bullet in the head.
I think the Libyan people have a tremendous opportunity, and I hope they make good use of it.
They wont, they cant. We are installing our own people as we speak. We are sending our contrators there as we speak. We already pushed a HUGE loan onto them.
They are now occupied by the US Gov. They were more free before hand.
You should sit down before you hyperventilate
Im not a climatologist, therefore I am not relying on proven liars to form an opinion either way.
Would it be past Republicans to deny it? No Would it be past Democrats to make it up? No.
What - think I spook easy? I don't.
I will say it is interesting you posted above, and I received notice of it just after I posted this:
We could start at the beginning -
which appears now to have been deleted in its entirety.
I don't care.
I'm still not gonna shut up.
Obama, Cheney, Hillary, Bush 1 and 2....
All complicit in criminal acts. RICO them all.
Only children fall for the D/R Duopolies tricks...
Are you a child? :)
no, i'm the clown in the back saying that because the repelican party has attempted to reassure the public that there is no global warming we can destroy them - it's a natural process, one they initiated themselves by telling such whoopingly big lies -
and then we can do away with party politics altogether.
If you think Obama isnt licking his chops at this thing, you are mistaken.
I never said to give up, did I? I simply said that we arent giving the libyans an opportunity, we are instead dictating their lives and futures.
Never give up, Ive been fighting this fight before OWS came around, and still will be once its done.
I'm sure you've confused the President with the former VP
his name was dick, and he shot his one and only friend while hunting . . .
Its nothing crazy. Its the same thing we have been doing all over the globe.
Nothing exhausting about it.
well, you just sounded so certain, so breathless . . . as if you'd just gotten back from Tripoli or something.
But if you are correct then, obviously, the Occupy Movement is next - it's, as you say, something we've done all over the globe, and we can't stop them, the Libyans can't stop them
nobody can!
So we should just give up, sit down, and wash our sorrows in cheap beer . . .?
well I don't drink
and I'm not sitting down
Cherry picking your issues is disingenuous. But very typically party hack rhetorical distraction crap.
but you said he was:
and yet never qualified the how or the why. You left it to me to do that for you, which I did, with great delight.
Why dare you not say he is communist . . . .
When another person does not rise to your baiting you do not have the right to then put words in their mouth.
That is so typically right-wing and Democrat.
right wing and democrat
Wow - I see you've really gotten dizzy.
Stay of the kid's sit'n'spin before you break it.
You Democrats are always lying thugs about how right-wing you really are.
Well I do confess - on occasion I am a bit more right than centrist, a bit more left than populist, a bit more centered than communist . . .
But I am not a democrat.
If you wanted to point at Moynahan and his role at the UN under Carter and the U.S. position regarding the Genocide that was then taking place in East Timor - . . . .
well. Then at least I could respect your position.
AS it is you are simply wrong on all counts and I for one am not impressed.