Forum Post: Regression
Posted 6 years ago on Sept. 1, 2018, 10:16 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We're regressing to a feudal like hierarchy.
"Hudson: As Samir Amin said at the meeting yesterday, China is the economy that is trying to be the exception to the Western economic model. That model is forcing a choice between civilization and barbarism. The West is moving rapidly into economic barbarism and militarism.
"As you can see, the austerity program of the Euro is destroying the economy there. The United States is cutting taxes on the rich, while indebting the working class very highly. The one country that is independent and not taking the advice of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund is China.
"So we're hoping to do what we can to make the Chinese economy successfully resistant. What that means is how is China going to handle its real estate, how is it going to handle its debt, how is it going to handle its tax system." - reprinted on August 8, 2018 at Naked Capitalism
(edit) China has always been a type of feudal lord system (Russia too) - now it seems that the Wealthy Few of the EU & the USA want to change their model to something of the same, for the EU it's really just a straight regression back to their dark ages, for the USA it's a total betrayal of it's founding principals!
Edit: What has really got the would-be western feudal lords in a tizzy - IS - China's ability to quash it's capitalist's especially in the fossil fuel industry, to push a major changeover to alternative energy - China taking the long view of world wide domination!
I guess they figure if there is no world to dominate, the elite parasites lose too.
China has their elites (parasites) - thing is - I think they understand that everyone including themselves lose in a nuclear confrontation - so - they use the weakness of capitalism (personal/individual) Greed against the rest of the world. They still have major austerity programs for the Massive population they have. I think this is why the western world (wealthy few would-be feudal lords) is pushing so hard to increase their austerity programs on their populations.
Grasping greed being what it is - western countries find themselves tearing their own-selves apart, rather than like China who puts their austerity programs into a National Program of establishing world wide market control while changing their infrastructure at Home to move as fast as possible AWAY from FAILING FOSSIL FUEL - to modernize and quash foreign competition with clean cheap energy that the western world can not compete with.
I think the devolution is being televised! I wonder how Darwin would rate the contestants?
As an aberration in evolution? The aberration being that the healthy herd members do not push out the diseased members (the blindly greedy self-destructive few) or as a constant of evolution = the unfit will die off, but in this case of evolution population corrections - the unfit are killing off millions who would otherwise be healthy (without the unfit) while they kill themselves off.
Wall St Oligarchs or Feudal Lords. Either way we're in debt to them all of our adult lives. The banksters present as a systemic economic disease.