Forum Post: refuse to move
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 2:49 p.m. EST by RationalReaper
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Do not be moved.If Bloomberg sweeps you out you won't get back in without using necessary force.If you want to remain peaceful...stay and be peaceful and when the cops are using spray and batons...the whole world will see.
obvious troll is obvious . advice from a troll. don't take it.
Yeah. don't take. Get up and leave.
I just sent the Mayor a donation to use for re-election on the condition he kicks you out.
Looks like the party is over.
They won't go around with pepper spray. Tear gas would be better. That would clear the park.
You will be forced out/arrested like on brooklyn bridge. This park is private property and they just want to clean their property, they have already tolerated such conditions for 4 weeks, why not show some gratitude and self respect by maintaining cleanliness? Since you couldnt do it, let the pros clean up after your mess.
You are merely instigating (kind of like the people who knowingly walked onto the roadway of BB, and got everyone else behind them arrested)
how effective batons are against whiny unorganized bottomfeeders
shut the fuck up
Anger doesn't solve anything little man.
I'm not angry...just telling numbnuts to shut the fuck up.
Maybe if you spent this much energy looking for a job you could have one. I'm not in the top 1%, but I can assure you, that you don't speak for me.
well..I'm not speaking for you can shut the fuck up too
You losers keep saying "we are the 99%", just saying count me out.
did i say batons? i meant pixie dust and unicorns.
try a rational response please.
How effective are trolls when they come out from under their bridges?
very. ever read "where the wild things are"? yeah you did. thanks for the support!
They stayed on the island. I bet you only saw the movie.
i read the book. i am the 1%
Then go do your job and get the hell out of here.