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Forum Post: Reform Vs. Rebuild

Posted 11 years ago on June 2, 2013, 12:25 p.m. EST by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So we are at the halfway point through the year, how is everything playing out?

Clearly the people we elected are useless, as nothing has changed. And Im not even speaking of actual legislation. Nothing at all has changed.

All the same players.

And most importantly, the tone. How many times will we watch Reid and Boehner get up there and slowly speak about what needs to be done? And then mope off the stage.

The tone is still the same. Warren seemed like she got started off decent, but what came of it? That horrific idea to tie student loan debt to the banks rates? Wow, real game changer there.

Bernie continues to get railroaded at every stop. Nothing new there.

Theres always a downfall of energy after the elections. The people who campaigned need a break, and the slackers that run DC get to go back to helping corporations and filling their pockets.


If you wanted to work within the system to get change, what would you do? How would you do it? What are the most important aspects of candidates that are needed? Whats the most important aspect of the process just to get them going?

The lull after the elections is when the corporations are doing the most lobbying. They arent stupid. They dont go nuts during election season, too much pressure and too many cameras. Now is when you get in.

So what are the people doing? Are we sitting by idle hoping that massive effort of 2 hrs at teh polls last November 7th is going to dramatically turn this thing around (and as usual, if you are one of the 1% that does a lot of stuff, this doesnt apply to you).

So whats the deal? Do people not understand how self governance functions? I honestly dont think they do. Some dont care, some care but just dont understand.

So basically what Im saying is that if you think working within the system is a good move- as I do on some levels, although everyone at occupy made it very clear to myself and others to not bring that shit around the GAs- then what is the plan?

Whats the plan Stan?



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago

Nothing changes until a significant portion of independent voters are willing to stand on principle through the use of affidavits. The majority population of non-voting eligible voters isn't going to be voting no matter what so they needn't ever be considered. The minority population of partisan voters are always going to vote their party no matter what so they needn't be considered either. That leaves the voting majority of independent voters who vote according to their own principles and can swing elections either way. Some, perhaps most of them, are going to vote no matter what, chosing to support what they perceive to be the lesser of two evils rather than not vote at all if their principles aren't met. However, if there are a significant number of independents who are willing to not vote at all when no candidates are willing to sign an affidavit or are willing to vote for SCIH (Snowball's Chance In Hell) candidates who do sign an affidavit, such independents will greatly affect election results taking votes from both parties of which one will certainly lose because of it. This will make meeting the affidavit demands of such independents significantly important to future elections.

If there simply isn't a significant number of independents in a given area willing to do this, everything will continue to proceed as usual. The only means I know of reaching such voters without starting from scratch is through the PIRGs as they already have the voter outreach resources for contacting just such a population.

[-] 1 points by redandbluestripedpill (333) 11 years ago

Good thread and perspective. Accurate overview generally. There is one aspect that severely disenpowers.

"If you wanted to work within the system to get change, what would you do? How would you do it? What are the most important aspects of candidates that are needed? "

The word "system" is a generalization. Such would not be much of a problem, but the ows group considers the constitution to be part of the system.

It is not, it is supposed to be in control of the governmental system. The government must obey the constitution in peacetime, or it is treason.

Clearly we have a treasonous federal gov. Why is that word not in every post complaining about conditions? The constitution has a mechanism to prevent abusive gov. Article V

It is an incredibly powerful tool designed to alter or abolish abusive gov. When ows refuses to occupy congress and point out the crimes, clearly empowering treason; basically responsible for every problem each demand is centered on, we really should wonder about who controls ows and why.

[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 11 years ago

If you want "electable" candidates, take a quick second to think of what that type of person may or may not be, in the D/R scheme of things.

Chances are, they have the "candidates" lined up for you already.

Chances are, they are mostly white males with lots of money.

Those are the odds, but the odds arent impossible. So if reform is the key to change, as some think, then...


And if you dont have a plan, then take a few weeks off from chat sites and figure it out.

Just like my post on "How to Help" with Monsanto. If you want to run Dem candidates, then do the research and figure out how to get hard working normal people into the position to be successful.

Perhaps reporting back the results would be a good lesson for many.

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 11 years ago

Excellent sentiments in post.

The system as it is is geared to gridlock.

What can one do? Nada

A few could run a candidate.

If the unemployed could unite and demand some changes for themselves, such as this http://occupywallst.org/forum/models-to-transition-to-sustainable-systems-future/

Things might improve.

As it is, we are divided. Divided we fall.

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 11 years ago

Things to figure out:

Whats the process. EVery state is different, and the rquirements are different for the level being sought after, such as federal senate seat or state.

Whats the signature count, and then whats the fee - the biggest obstacle to keeping the little guy out.

After the data has been collected, who is going to help you do this? You need a team. Whats the goals. If you need 600k signatures, then you need at least 100k a month to qualify for the midterms in time...

Keep in mind there are deadlines with all of this stuff. The machine needs months to figure out how to put a name on the ballot.

How to run the campaign? If you manage to jump all these hurdles, and the two party system actually lets your person of choice in- good luck if its not a well off white person- then what?

You've already dabbled in fundraising to get the name into the system, so that should show how to go about creating more money. If you dont have money, no one will know your person.

Get ready to knock on doors, and get ready for a fuck ton of fuck yous.

And remember, appearances in this country count more than character. Thats another beautiful part of it. Looks over substance. Get a decent looking candidate with a nice smile and its almost a shoe in.