Forum Post: Referendum now!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 12:18 p.m. EST by Americannobody
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My fellow Americans, Call me Nobody. But please call me an American Nobody! I have NO EXPERIENCE in Politics, Website design, Constitution writing, or Nation Building! But I DO have an IDEA that might not just be good for the United States, but possibly a good idea for the People of the Earth. I truly believe that the world has enough problems, without the working class 99% being driven into starvation and slavery by a few greedy individuals who’ve managed to manipulate the financial systems, and thereby the governments, elected and otherwise, of the entire planet. All revolutions begin with the People saying “We’ve had enough, it’s time to try something different.” I’ve had enough. How about you? The basics of my idea are on page 2. A few details that I think would be good ideas are also included, However, this is NOT a finished product! We have PLENTY of talent for Constitution Writing, Site design, and Nation building right here in the good old U.S.A. Why not put our talent to work for US for a change. Sincerely, An American Nobody
REFERENDUM MOVEMENT We the People of the United States of America, Realizing that Our Congress is hopelessly corrupt, and with no prospect for redemption. Hereby demand a Referendum by popular vote effecting a Vote of No Confidence in the Congress of the United States of America. If and when this Referendum passes, Congress will be stripped of its legislative power. Members will continue to be elected, to insure that the decisions of the People are carried out. The Executive Branch will remain in Washington to ensure that diplomatic functions are carried out. All other government agencies will remain in place until further notice. However, Representative Democracy will be dis-banded. To be replaced by a True Democracy, One person, one vote. 1.To be administered electronically, by a new central computer system to be designed specifically for this purpose.
- Each voters Name, Social Security Number, Date of Birth and a Personal Identification Number of their choosing will provide access.
- Any person found tampering or attempting to tamper with this system shall be tried for Treason, a Capital Offense.
Awesome, mob rule by the lowest common denominator.
There are too many uneducated people, who don't even want to be educated, in this country for this to work.
This is why in a full Direct Democracy, like you need a Drivers License, you get a Voters Debate License.....anyone can still vote...but only intelligent people get into the debate process by which issues and solutions are developed...
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