Forum Post: Redistribution of weath
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 7:57 a.m. EST by soloenbarcelona
from Barcelona, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Today the system is in desperate need of change, but what is the problem? I´ve managed to get a degree in Economics in the year 2.000 but it´s like everything we learned was nonsense! At least when I read the newspaper, hear the reasons of why we are in crisis… it is all a cover up of the reality. The reality is that the world is changing and we, the 99% in the rich countries can only observe (live in a big lie) and try to survive. To be honest, I think on the long run the biggest part of the 99% will be better of in 10 years compared to now, but meanwhile we are in big trouble. What is the real problem? The problem is, we are all selfish and would do anything for ourselves and the people that surround us, and the rest has to solve their own problems. Only a few have prepared for the future and the rest finds it harder and harder to breathe. What are the mayor lies?
- We have a financial crisis. (ok in some way, but its mainly a cover up)
- We need job creation. What is the reality?
- “We” are trying to have a world economy and if in some countries people are happy to work and survive on 100 $/ month and in other countries one works and survives with 1.000 $/ month, some economic law will say, that on the long run, these wages will become equal. In the meantime expect the worse for our rich economies. You must be silly to think that the middle class in first world countries will survive if no change in politics. (And yes, the system now is so corrupt, or fixated on quick cash, only a revolution could save the lower and middle class in the first world, but it will slowdown the process of globalization)
- STOP FOCUSSING ON JOBCREATION (I get this weird feeling inside every time I hear some authority speak about the importance of jobcreation, especially when people like your president focus on that.) There are so many ways to create jobs when you have money, but forget about jobcreation for a little in the USA and Spain at least. Expect less and less jobs to be available, and find a way to cope with that (Obama , Zapatero, Rajoy, please..). And if you really want to create jobs, now is the time to invest people and Money in alternative clean energy. But computers and robots will make it harder and harder to invent 40/week jobs for the 99%. Ex if I have a company of fruitpickers with 100 employers and get my hands on a robot to substitute them and send the 100 employers home, this should be good for everyone! The economy makes the same and 100 people can do something they like more, but don´t just say we have to create 100 new jobs! Now I have a company of 300 million employees (USA) and I can just start in a different country and spend half, what is the problem? (Its good for many other almost equals in reality) Still giving job to 300 million people, except USA has to come up with a plan. And maybe re-distribution of our wealth is the solution. At least the wealthy and powerful will come up with some good ideas :).
Conclusion: In some way, the movement of globalisation (organised by the 1% and maybe good for 51% of the worldwide 99%) goes as planned and almost justifiable, except nobody understands or tells us what to expect and how to prepare, and most of us are in big trouble.