Forum Post: Red pill or the Blue pill?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 1:50 p.m. EST by Riott
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Those who can't understand or fathom what OWS stands for continue to take the blue pill and accept everything around them to be fine. They let the media and fellow blue pill addicts confirm in their minds that problems exist because of a few bad choices. They like to blame the 'other' side (dem rep) and are perfectly okay with that answer. They continue to choke down the blue pill and live the dream.
OWS has chosen to take the Red Pill. If only they could see what we see. By choice we chose to open our eyes to reality and face the hard truths of what our world has become. We are the fighters, the others the dreamers. We continue to take the red pill and face the reality.