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Forum Post: Red Hot - Urgent news - Please pass along

Posted 12 years ago on May 9, 2012, 7:30 p.m. EST by richardkentgates (3269)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


This thread is going to be attacked by trolls, I would not recommend attempting a conversation on this thread.



Read the Rules
[-] 9 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Hi richard, Thank you for post. Everyone should see this. Best Regards

[-] 3 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

I heard if one looks into the mirror and says "al-Qaeda" 3 times

freedy crougar will appear

people have generally believed al cada to be made believe terrorist for years

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Hi Matt, Good point. Best Regards


[-] 7 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

Our tax dollars at work. Good post, Richard.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Thanx for this excellent if disturbing post 'rkg', further to which - I append :

fallaces sunt rerum species ...

[-] 3 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

Thanks for that....as screwed up as it is.

[-] -2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

I just had to give you a nod for that Odin. Thanks:)

[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Yes, I seem to have aquired my very own disinformation specialist, although he's not really that good at it, who will probably follow me here. I find that, well . . . peculiar.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You are so popular. Your very own misinformation troll. You are moving up in the world.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

I used to know a Taoist proverb for that, but I won't go into that here. The upshot of it is . . . Let's just say that life's a rollercoaster. There are highs and lows, and ideally we find balance:)

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I like balance - lets find that for our society and world. Healthy prosperous BALANCE.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

You said it! Life in balance. We could have learned a lot from the Indians . . . but I won't even touch that subject. I read "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee . . . "

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Me too. Balance in life in balance with nature. Also in Asian philosophy - Yin/Yang = whole complete.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago


[+] -4 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

No one should be "following" a liar like you, GypsyKing.

Check his posts, folks. He calls anyone who doesn't support the Democratic Party a Republican/Repelican/Rightist as if it is not possible for the Sheeple to recognize that the Democratic and Republican parties are two sides of the same corporate-owned coin and equally corrupt.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Yet YOU managed to do Exactly That ! How Come ?!! WhoTF are you really ; who do you serve and how many monikers are you juggling ?!!!

multum in parvo ...

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Thanks, shadz. That reply meant a LOT to me.

[-] -1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I doubt this "verdade" person serves anyone but their boredom and hatred.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

You are a well meaning and charitable soul 'Trev' but after a few months here and being under no illusion just how much "The Corporations" hate all things OWS - I've become a touch more sceptical / cynical !!!

omnia causa fiunt ...

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Trevor, just to set the record straight, he is IronBotBruce, alias this that and the other, who has been dogging me here for months, and he works for a "Black PR" firm in Florida called VVV, as in KKK, and he is paid to come here with the express intention of dividing this movement by creating every kind of false distinction imaginable and calling it "truth."

Now you have a heads up.

[-] 0 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Really? That's a job? Now I've heard everything. How do you know so much about this person in such detail? I'm curious.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

We've had our go-arounds. Believe me, I know, and so do many others here.


[-] -2 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

Here is the website of the Black PR firm GypsyClown is lying about to misdirect your attention from his OWS co-optation agenda:


They challenge anyone to find any errors or inaccuracies in anything they post.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

So then, you're saying that you would prefer that they follow a liar like you?

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

I'll take Gypsy, at least he can hold onto a name.............:)

[-] 2 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Time to bump this post to top. Trolls cause motivation.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Bump you say?

[-] 1 points by friendlyopposition (574) 12 years ago

Snappy dresser.

[-] 1 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 12 years ago

Johnson seems to be on top of this.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Thank you so much again for this post, Richard! Nothing could be more relevent at the moment. I just had to say that one more time. Between now and next November, the 1% will focus all their energy on dividing us. We must be aware of this, and fix our positions in our own mind now, so that relentless propoganda cannot sway us.

  1. Stay with the movement

  2. Continue to protest and engage in civil disobedience

  3. Hold to our primary mandate of non-violence

  4. Continue to introspect and raise consciousness

  5. Allow people to either vote or not vote, depending on their conscience, but don't allow that to drive a wegde in this movement
  6. Continue to debate the issues without fear. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Good call. I agree.

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago



[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Thanks for this excellent and TIMELY post. I wonder if the people involved have any connection to our friends at "Vengence," who are dogging me all over this forum, but strangely didn't follow me to this thread?

[-] -1 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

No one should be "following" a liar like you, GypsyKing.

Check his posts, folks. He calls anyone who doesn't support the Democratic Party a Republican/Repelican/Rightist as if it is not possible for the Sheeple to recognize that the Democratic and Republican parties are two sides of the same corporate-owned coin and equally corrupt.

[-] 0 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

It is more than a bit of a conceit calling yourself "Truth" in Portuguese here after previously doing the very same in Tagalog innit, verdade / katotohanan ?! Despite you trying to display faux and pseudo 'Anarchism' and as it emphatically is not OWS, then just WhoTF d'you really serve ?!! Et Cui Bono ?!!!

minima maxima sunt ...

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Gypsy don't lie.

What are you talking about?

[-] -2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Thanks shooz. Hows the quiting smoking going? You have my sympathies, in triplictate! LOL!

[-] -3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Pretty good. I have one of those electric ones for when I want to fake it.

Still have a bit of a sinus infection too though.

I must be doing something correctly, I've lost points in the last few days.


I even got called an anarchist liberal!!!! Do they make those?

[-] -3 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

LOL!!! I understand on all counts, more than you would even believe! Good luck with the smoking, seriously. What worked for me, for twenty years before I started again, was telling myself I could always have one whenever I wanted one. I would keep one in the house so I knew it was there. It's sort of reverse psychology on yourself. LOL!

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I'm getting used to the electric one.

Plus the end glows......ooooooohhh.......lol

How many times is this guy going to come back?

[-] -2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Like a bad penny.

[-] 0 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

As background for this story I recommend the following:

Psywar: The Real Battlefield is Your Mind


Manufacturing Consent


Dozens more here...


You'll find these documentary videos far more enlightening than the lies, insults and propaganda posted by the Democratic Party's OWS co-optation tag team above... ;-)

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Your desperate, self-justifying and self-referential conceit seems to know little or no limit does it ?

Is that last link above, a personal web-site that you're rather idiosyncratically trying to promote ?!

Also see : http://occupywallst.org/forum/psywar-the-real-battlefield-is-your-mind-managing-/ and http://occupywallst.org/forum/search/?q=Manufacturing+Consent !!

For all the Heat that you're creating, are you bringing any Light ?!!!

et cui bono ?

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

All of this brings up a very important issue, and that is the legnths the 1% is willing to go to divide us, but we can foil them if we stick to these clear dictums:

  1. Stay with the movement.

  2. Continue to protest, and engage in civil disobediance.

  3. Hold to our primary mandate of non-violence.

  4. Continue to introspect and raise consciousness.

  5. Allow people to either vote or not vote, depending upon their individual conscience, but don't let that issue become a wedge in the movement.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

Good ideas, but what about economic revival? Aren't we mostly about the financial crimes of Wall Street, that Wall Street stole our economy, and that we want it back?

For me, this means a program like FDR's New Deal. It seems obvious that this is what we must do, after financial reform such as Glass Steagall, or we will not survive. People will literally start dying due to the break down in society's life support system, at best, or in mass through a nuclear war.

However, from the left, the opposition is mostly from certain environmentalists, while the right opposes government involvement in economic development.

What is to be done about the economy?

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

I'm with you all the way regarding the "New Deal." FDR was our greatest President.

I think what we must focus on is how do we achieve power, for if we can't do that we will never be able to implement reform.

That question of how we actually get power is the crux issue, and the one I have been hammering away at for some time now. It's complicated, but we can't shy away from that. We need to tackle it head on.

[-] 2 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 12 years ago

I think we can attain power through unity, but as I was saying, it is hard to unite people around an idea here, because there are so many different perspectives.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

New Deal - New Energy infrastructure replace decommissioned power plants with new clean non-fossil fuel tech.

[-] -1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago


[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Flush fossil fuel dependence ASAP - now would be a prime time to start - think of the jobs - temporary in building but permanent in maintaining/operating. So many upcoming projects as old ones are tackled. Real useful construction jobs - new and refurbish.

[-] 0 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

It is SO high time for that! Solar, wind, biogeneration!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

There is so much available.

Green Tech.

This is where we should be going: Green Energy we have the technology we just need to use it. This is what I am talking about. A clean future to be implemented NOW!




FuelCell Energy http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/news/progress_alerts.cfm/pa_id=600

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

It's the foundation of the social transformation that we need. The very foundation.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

People are coming to realize this - it is just not clear to most that this is the realization - yet. Nutrition exercise healthy food water reasonable work hours and family time. Moderation not excess.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

Agree with that totally.

I was teaching indigenous Australians how to build housing, and did some research on how they lived before our culture impacted upon their's.

They "worked" for two hours a day to provide sustenance and shelter. The rest of their day was spent sharing stories, and teaching the youngsters.

So, the question is, why do we consider ourselves to be more advanced?

Oh, and I've posted this link to a video about nanotechnology in power generation before, but I'll post it again here.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Some one (s?) does not like your contribution.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Thanks for sharing your insight. I look forward to the vid. There is so much that can be done right now today to implement non fossil fuel power.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

And find common cause in issues like OSTA and Campaign reform etc etc etc - support issues.

[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Find common cause everywhere. That's it we must be includers, not excluders. We must allign with all those around the world who see and understand our vision. We must not get caught up in internal struggles, but be ever reaching out for new allianaces.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Yes - we all have common interest. That is where we will find strength.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

As the 99% we find strength comming together for the common cause. What our opponents don't want us to do is see that; to see what we have in common and what little we have in common with them - and by them I don't mean rich people, I mean that extremly small number of the collossally super-rich that are the oligarchy.

They are the only "them."

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Yes they are - them. So I fully expect to see a continuation of civil suits brought against the criminals as we continue to push at our government and justice system. I expect to see a continuation of efforts on all fronts.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Well said DKA. The point is, we can't afford to give up. I won't give up on the young of our country who have been inspired by the old vision of our country, that of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, and all the other Radicals that brought freedom into the modern world. I will not - dispite Iron Butt. LOL !!!

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

That kind of interference ( lead butt ) only tends to make we want to do more. I think you are likely the same.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 12 years ago

Got that right DKA!


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

They just do not understand how they can motivate. Is all right by me.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

For my world for my fellow man.

OH - BTW love how you and your troll buddies run around doing the silent vote down on comments.

Tip - it works better after you have finished making your stupid comments.

You have almost got it right - you wait several hours - and then you do your vote down - but apparently you are so full of yourself that you can not help yourself - but to add a comment that blows your whole silent vote down game.

[-] -3 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

You apparently don't realize, GypsyClown, that in Biker circles the term "Iron Butt" has a specific meaning that is far from derogatory. But then again, there is SO MUCH that you don't realize, GypsyClown...

[-] -3 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

Common Cause? Yes... Another "nonpartisan" advocacy group co-opted by the Demopublicans.

[-] -3 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

...So sayeth the Demopublican Pied Piper.

[-] -2 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

Forget Campaign Reform! Focus on Regime Change!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Yeah you spout that all over the place. Perhaps you want to explain your mighty concept a bit further than the battle cry.


[-] -3 points by verdade (-24) 12 years ago

I really grow tired of you posting as if you were a spokesman for Occupy Wall Street, GypsyClown. YOU ARE NOT. You don't even live in the United States (or so you say)! If you are a spokesman (or woman, who knows?) for anything, it is the Democratic Party's tireless efforts to co-opt OWS and herd all the defiant little sheeple back into the false-choice two-party processing system so that the fleecing can continue uninterrupted:


[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Journalists have a hard time all over the World.


Kinda funny though, a facebook smear job is psy-ops.

I wonder if he will get them to do the investigation?

[-] 3 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

facebook is damn important

no really

the major media said so

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

It did have an IPO didn't it........:)

It's official now.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

hoodie at that meeting. That raised some eyebrows amongst the button-down set on Wall Street, including Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, who called the Facebook CEO's attire a "mark of immaturity."

dude's so edge , he drinks edge cola

ya gotta believe

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

The hoodie is all part of the psy-ops............:)

He got how many billions?

I've rarely been to the place. I never did that one Murdock bought either. Myspace?

I don't wear a hoodie much, and I only wear my cap backwards when I'm taking photographs., but I did that before it was a "thing".

I will never believe in facebook.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

it's good to see people use their real name on facebook

but I cringe every time I hear mom talk about the guy who "invented" facebook

when facebook success came from a mass media campaign

not a new form of social media

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

the guy is groomed success story

so 1% can say

what's his face made it

with the support of major media moguls

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 12 years ago

Oh richard, trolls? you should look at my threads.

Hey this guy Johnson he's a dem are you getting soft?

But thanks for this post, it's a good one, they will turn more of the Army on us as the 1% use the government more and more to control the people. We must be able to tell the difference between getting health care and getting contained.