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Forum Post: Recommendation: "Adopt a Lobbyist"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:45 a.m. EST by cornosticks (1) from Birmingham, AL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The current state of affairs is not 100% caused by business, or by government, or by special interests, or by social conditions. It is a combination of which an alchemist would be proud. And the stuff that binds it all together is the lobbying industry.

OWC can take its message to the heart of the situation by "adopting" lobbyists. They're registered, and they have to specify on whose behalf they lobby. So set up a website listing them (I know there are thousands, but, hey) with links to their clients. Then make an area where updates can be posted as to activities.

OWC and other volunteers agree to adopt the lobbyists, perhaps in shifts. They are there to watch, to monitor, and of course to assist in any way in the good works of the taxpayer dollar. Track comings and goings, list those the lobbyist visits, dines with, chats with. And it will all be done in a kind, helpful manner. All OWS wants is to assist in the process -- for the citizen to have a hand in the process.

Another added benefit is that no longer could a legislator say "I never heard one word from a constituent on this issue", because there will be a common citizen always at hand to offer the views of the general population.



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[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

That sounds like a great idea, both practically speaking and for obtaining good publicity.

[-] 1 points by cornosticks (1) from Birmingham, AL 13 years ago

Thanks. I think it would show a relevant focus that "some" claim is lacking.