Forum Post: Rebirth...NOT "Change": True Democracy
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:06 p.m. EST by IAmthatIAm
from Temecula, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The operation/function/form of the United States reborn; world reborn.
A true democracy, ALL matters are voted on by the people. There is not a "right" to vote but instead a "requirement by law" to vote. ALL persons of age MUST vote, must participate. There are national/state/city 24/7/365 television/cable/radio stations dedicated to providing educational info (not partisan "Pro/Con") on matters of vote; websites; newspaper.
Voting is done at ATM machines using drivers license/state and/or national id.
The Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government are abolished; as are politicians. There is no need of "representatives", when the people directly represent themselves in a true and complete democracy. No need of "leaders", when the people lead themselves in a true and complete democracy. Truth leads and represents the people in Truth.