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Forum Post: Rebellion cannot be contained within the sphere of 'the Political'

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 12:12 p.m. EST by Dionysuslives (170)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Premise #1: The refusal of 'representation' is not the embrace of apathy but the active reclamation of directly-lived experience.

Premise #2: 'Politics' is not simply the science of social engagement but a finite space that assumes a division between 'Public' and 'Private' life and, thus, a hierarchical division of labour.

Premise #3: The division between Public and Private space is not 'natural,' but socially constructed. As such, it can only be maintained through hierarchical power relations.

Conclusion: The active critique of 'the Political' as such is not the precondition for social disenfranchisement but the starting-point of radical social transformation.




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[-] 2 points by Dionysuslives (170) 13 years ago

"The mediation of power works a permanent blackmail on the immediate. Of course, the idea that an act can't be carried through in the totality of its implications faithfully reflects the reality of a bankrupt world, a world of non-totality; but at the same time it reinforces the metaphysical character of events, which is their official falsification."

-Raoul Vaneigem, The Revolution of Everyday Life

[-] 2 points by Dionysuslives (170) 13 years ago

Let's hear some real analysis here instead of lifeless ideology and fragmented opinions.

[-] 1 points by Dionysuslives (170) 13 years ago

Or maybe I'm just over-intellectualizing. Just cast a ballot and everything will be better.

[-] 1 points by Dionysuslives (170) 13 years ago

I'm not interested in links, I'm interested in ideas.