Forum Post: REally? No Shit . . .
Posted 10 years ago on March 26, 2014, 8:16 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So I was in a plumbing supply house today. Not that I'm a plumber but you know, I was, I was in a plumbing supply house today. The water line came apart in the basement last night and so, you know, there was a mess to clean up and parts to get and so there I was, in the plumbing supply house.
They have a tv - next to the counter - in the plumbing supply house. It's a big screen tv.
Does that strike anyone as odd?
It was tuned to FUX Snuz. Seriously. I kid you not.
The guy that was waiting on me went off to do some research and left me there at the counter, all by myself - right beside that big ass tv . . . tuned to FUX Snuz . . .
You just know I couldn't resist, right? There were a couple of other people there, one of them another employee of the plumbing supply house, counter help, haha. Eeyeah.
You know they've done a study I piped up good and loud, they have, they've done a couple of them, that indicate that people who watch FUX Snuz are dumber than the rest of America.
I did. I said that. And heres a link to a recent study. Looks like that article appeared in January this year.
Anyway that's just the way I am. I'm trying to do business with these people and there is that tv and I just cannot help myself. The guy at the counter got all up tight, and he started sputtering about President Obama attempting to take over the internet and shit . . . I mean, I thought it was companies like Comcast that were trying to take over the internet but I dunno, maybe I haven't been paying attention. I was tempted to see if I couldn't get him twisted even harder, maybe make his squealin' just a little more shrill - but honestly I didn't have any notes in front of me and that tv was quite a surprise - and it never dawned on me to just tell him about global warming - how it's right out in the parking lot and the repelican party is DONE . . .
But honestly, I do differentiate between those who are the traffickers and those who are the consumers of LIES . . . I do think it is an important distinction. The guy at the counter is no different from most folks really - and most folks would not deliberately consume an inferior product, not knowing full well the breadth and the depth of the inferiority. Not without a well thought out set of reasons for doing so.
But the owner of the company . . . now that may be a whole other matter.
Anywayz . . . I didn't know if it would be instructive to any of you folks to discover that in many ways the way I act on line is not much different from the way I am in person. I am an obnoxious prick . . . and that is without even tryin'.
There is a thread running around here, Some Current Thoughts of Solution and it seems the author isn't sure if the thread should read ZenDogs Current Thoughts of Solution or not. For a while it did and I'm sure some of you saw it. It doesn't now and it doesn't matter, really.
But what does matter, or so it seems to me, is that I posted the following:
I posted them in that order and then shit just seemed to fall apart. Never mind the particulars. Just know it's been one thing after another, non stop, all day long.
And so I thought, you know, just for the sake of clarity, I might provide a little insight. Yes, the water pump needs an o ring. Without it I won't get a shower. And if I catch the muther fuker droppin o rings in the frozen back yard I will most likely killem. Unless of course they own the property, in which case they can drop all the o rings they like - but they will get a grilling over the matter of who it was that put them up to it - not that they would really know of course.
So much for o ring droppin' mutherfukers . . .
AS for the clown in the parking lot this morning - I wasn't sure if or what . . . but you know - his shoes didn't match his coat and after having been spanked as hard as I have been in the past nothing looks the same and so you know . . . I just couldn't help myself. I really shouldn't have really. The way he was looking around the parking lot - it could have been genuine paranoia, he might not have been acting - but I just couldn't help it. I had to tell him. I said: I really shouldn't mention it, but those shoes really don't go with that coat. I don't know if he caught the sarcasm or not - certainly he did not get the rage, that I hid very carefully. Very deliberately. And I kept walking as he responded. I really didn't want to hear whatever explanation he might offer - and he might in fact not have been an actor, which is precisely why I shouldn't behave that way.
AS I said, I really just couldn't help myself.
And as for that entire series of shit just going wrong - well. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes it's engineered. Either way, I'll say it again. Just to be clear - I don't want anyone to think I regret having said it.
History demonstrates, from the Great Famine in Ireland c. 1845, to the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, to today's conservative resentment over FDR policy and repelican brinkmanship over the economy regardless of consequence during the entirety of President Obama's tenure. Conservatives are insane.
We need a study, one that should not take too long to get at the facts - regarding the full breadth and depth of damage done to this nation by men like the Koch brothers and their allies like Rove, Norquist, and all the rest of them. I don't mean the politicians themselves, but rather their strategists and their think tanks and their money men. The politicians are no more than duly appointed faces fronting for particular, conservative, interests. At what cost must be the question.
Once the evidence has been assembled, and it will show that I am absolutely correct in assessment, conservatives are insane and content to destroy the whole nation if need be to satiate their mad whims . . . once the evidence is assembled a strategy may be devised, one based on the imperative of national interest.
At that point, if conservatives will not relinquish power, then I say . . .
- . . . lets just killem all . . .
any questions?
zendog - do you ever have anything coherent to say what so ever .. ? I mean you're on here all the freaking time and I get so hopeful every-time I click on a post I am just so annoyed and disappointed that someone who spends so much time apparently thinking about all of this - could make so little sense - I don't normally go looking to pick an argument with someone - but if you're all the hope I can hope for - man I am sadly sol at least coming on here to hopefully communicate with intelligible individuals
Never mind the source, just pay attention to the monologue? And this, coming from the guy that had a full-blown three day shit fit recently by ignoring the monologue and focusing exclusively on the source despite the fact that what was spoke was truth. Whatta fawkin' hypocrite.
And for the record, there were plenty of liberals that hated FDR, my maternal grandfather being one. Among other things, think "gold confiscation."
Sounds like Münchausen by Internet. The OP is feigning mental illness.
Interesting link.
Thanks mate.
At first I thought it was a joke until I read it.
And this post is just his latest example of pointless self-absorption. Whenever the forum shows him more attention than he deserves, he's starts preening around like a fucking peacock.
The peacock haha
Not surprisingly, The peacock is also where he gets his "information" about world affairs, apparently.
ah, a double meaning nickname. Those are always the best. Even better when they morph into something else over time.
I can see that happenin', heheh.
I'll get back with ya before the night's over, because apparently you really want me to reply, heheh. Right now I'm juggling a few things. By the way, I saw this the first time you sent it.
ZenWorld must be a pretty lonely place.
You have nothing to do with Occupy. You insult the mentally challenged. You pick on minorities. You're an Internet bully.
Yes, the "I want to kill everyone" routine is a classic attention grabber.
Making any kind of activism that is outside the norm look crazy to the general public is usually a very effective tactic to discourage and control.
laugh them out of court
you wanna rip 'em a new asshole or should I?
I'm a conservative libertarian! I have something to say!
So, because we don't agree with your point of view, you want to kill us… and you think we're insane.
So, conservatives want to destroy the entire nation… by sticking to the policies that made us the richest and most successful nation in the world? You're right. If we had no conservatives, we would live in paradise… like Detroit! Or Chicago! The governments are great there! I wouldn't want to live in a place with a failed conservative economy like Texas.
So, conservatives who favor a system of capitalism that has succeeded tremendously every time it's been tried in history except for a few times are insane, but those who favor socialism which has failed every time it's been tried except for one time aren't?
You're right. If conservatives had their way to the extreme, they would take us back to the 1800's and early 1900's! A time of no progress or civilized thinking, where the standard of living for both the rich and the poor increased more than it had ever in world history. A time of economic exploitation so evil and so cruel, that millions of people from around the world came to live here and then sent home for their family and friends creating a massive continual increase in immigration.
Conservatives are so selfish, that they give 30% more to charity. Their economic ideas make so little sense, that their libertarian conservative "Chicago" school of economics has won the most Nobel prizes in economics. They are against gun control, despite the fact that United States has the 3rd highest murder rate in the world (And, if you take out cities not controlled by conservatives that have gun control like Chicago, Detroit, Washington D.C. and New Orleans, the ranking goes all the way up to 4th lowest)!!! They also vote for the most racist party ever, the Republicans. They did racist things like end slavery and segregation. They opposed the democrats, who wanted to end racism with peaceful organizations like the KKK.
Most insane conservatives will think I'm lying, but I have the sources:
My arguments based on facts and logic crumble to your solid arguments not based on anything.
By the way, friedmanmises refers to Milton Friedman and Ludwig Von Mises.
Apparently the moron zen dogg shit, can't understand why someone would watch the dominant number ONE cable broadcast new network.
It just escapes this idiot, The delusional liberal pinhead thinks everyone is watching the propaganda network, his beloved MSNBC
YOU should have spent less time in class, and more time in the REAL WORLD.
Thomas Sowell used to be a Marxist. He went to college and was taught economics by Milton Friedman himself. He was still a Marxist. Then, he went to the real world.
He is now a conservative.
Jesus said to help the poor. Conservatives do that. He did not say to vote to have a the government steal money and waste it and then give it to the poor. That's what liberals do. He said to forgive others for wrong doings, but he didn't say to force others to endure the consequences of those wrong doings. Jesus is not a politician.
George Washington was a CLASSICAL liberal. Like all of the other founding fathers, he favored limited government and Laissez-Faire capitalism. He was against the old conservatives who wanted monarchy and nobility. Conservatives today are trying to "conserve" the classical liberal ideals.
Emancipation was done by Republicans. Lincoln and other republicans were conservatives. You just said he was a classical liberal and favored self government. Those are conservative values. He said "You can not help a man permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." He also said "I don't believe in a law to prevent a man from getting rich; it would do more harm than good…. ThatThat some should be rich shows that others may become rich, and hence is just encouragement to industry and enterprise. Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another; but let him labor diligently and build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence built."
Even the slaves were conservatives. Fredrick Douglass told democrats "n regard to the colored people, there is always more that is benevolent, I perceive, than just, manifested towards us. What I ask for the negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice. The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us... I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us! If the apples will not remain on the tree of their own strength, if they are worm-eaten at the core, if they are early ripe and disposed to fall, let them fall! ... And if the negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall also. All I ask is, give him a chance to stand on his own legs! Let him alone! If you see him on his way to school, let him alone, don't disturb him! If you see him going to the dinner table at a hotel, let him go! If you see him going to the ballot box, let him alone, don't disturb him! If you see him going into a work-shop, just let him alone, — your interference is doing him positive injury."