Forum Post: reality check on the ACA Misleading information, sloppy coverage are confusing the public about Obamacare
Posted 11 years ago on Aug. 28, 2013, 5:45 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Real 'Mericans, don't need no dad gummed integrity.
They got bottled by Koch!!
Tell me more about how expensive it's going to be, AFP. Please. With details.
Because everything is better with Koch.
Well, Koch industries did raise the price of various oil, paper and home improvement products to pay for their "campaign.
But you're not supposed to notice forces and all.
It seems though that the worst stuff will happen because of Koch whore governors doing things like this.
Are we allowed to say there are Koch whore governors out there, or is that considered...."partisan"?
It would seem to me, to be even more partisan to ignore reality.
I don't care if these douche bags think calling Koch whore governors out is partisan. Fuck 'em.
[-] 8675309 points by DKAtoday (8675309) from Coon Rapids, MN
Better 2 B considered partisan then actually 2 B blindly insane.
I could give them what they desperately want. I won't because it's either above their pay grade or they are stuck on permanently stupid.
[-] 8675309 points by DKAtoday (8675309) from Coon Rapids, MN
Really no need 2 cater 2 their needs. {:-])
Good deal.
[-] 8675309 points by DKAtoday (8675309) from Coon Rapids, MN
In the Koch palace, things are a bit sketchy.
Over at the Koch legislative branch, things are equally sketchy.
Kind of like the brothers themselves.
That was beautiful.
You're welcome............:)
Call them all out, thats the point. I mean, any day you would like to call out Obama for being a war criminal would be good.
They are force feeding tortured prisoners in Gitmo.
People's villages are being blown to shreds.
Its not like theres a shortage of things to complain about. Its just a problem when theres a few on here 24/7 bashing Republicans nonstop and not paying attention to anything else.
We are suppose to be fanning the flames of revolution, something different.
Honestly, we should all be in full agreement on it.
ACA: I believe a family of 3 with an annual income of $50,000
would pay around $4,000/year for a "silver" plan
much less than commercial plans today
bronze < silver < gold
like most of us, I want medicare for all -
but unless we vote out the Rs, that will never happen
Over $300 a month. For two people making 12.50 an hour.
Wow, how gracious. Boy are we lucky. We really hit the jackpot.
What would the cost of care be without ACA be for the care of one of the earners if they had a heart attack or if the child got cancer?
Medicare for all - paid for by taxing the 1% is the solution
and that will never be fixed with so many Rs in congress
and that will be solved by more Bernies & Anguses & Elizabeths & Sherrods
Heart attack without ACA- 120k
Heart attack with ACA 45k
If thats your idea of progress, you have been horribly misled.
Warren and Sherrod backed up Monsanto, the leading cause of sickness to begin with. Total pieces of shit.
The last thing those two care about is health.
They voted for HR933 -
THE huge national agricultural appropriations act with 1400+ sections.
There is no "monsanto protection act"
Section 735 - one of the 1400+ sections was in HR933
There is a move to repeal section 735.
I believe Sherrod & Elizabeth favor this
also where did you get your hear attack numbers?
According to an article from the National Business Group on Health, the average total cost of a severe heart attack--including direct and indirect costs--is about $1 million.
I have a friend who just had an appendectomy, costs him 57k.
He cant afford the insurance, but with it he would still be on the hook for half. Would still bankrupt him.
If you are ok with people tossing in Monsanto bullshit in order to simply get 1400+ section bills - think about that for a moment, 1400+ sections- then more power to you.
The American people are sick of the bullshit. Hence Occupy. And hence the crackdown by the state.
I thought this was a thread about the ACA
"I have a friend who just had an appendectomy, costs him 57k..
but with insurance he would still be on the hook for half."
SPECIFICALLY - where does the ACA state that there is a 50% copay ?
I assume that you know that privately purchased insurance rates in NY will be cut 50% via the ACA exchanges.
I have a friend that was denied a heart surgery because he had no insurance. He was 26. He is still paying for the time spent in the hospital and transportation to another hospital.
We all have friends.
Still no facts?
Hey Jeremy, tell us about your organizing for Rocky Anderson.
Show us your pay stubs. Tell us how compassionate you are as a pr firm for Rocky Anderson and libertopia.
Tell us about your one time at band camp.
So he could afford the $250 per month and just didnt purchase it?
probably not
hospital should serve the general public
How's that Taco Bell, juice head?
Where are your facts?
No facts?
Facts R Hard.
He was/is a carpenter=weather permitting. ADHD but could not afford the medication. Unfortunately, the state is refusing to expand medicaid which would help him tremendously. But, hey.........thanksforfuckingasking.
Point don't have a point and we all have friends. So, your little personal account, like mine, doesn't really mean shit.
I didnt figure you would address any one of those four issues, because your a fuckin neocon when it comes to actually addressing things.
Better keep claiming Im a right winger without putting your own positions out there.
They dont really line up too well do they?
Another "expert" who never spent a single night on the pavement.
Again, more rookie shit.
You made up a fictious person and are claiming it as fact. Hahahahahaha. Right wing teathuglican just doing your part to dumb down 'Merica. You don't have anything to do with Occupy 'cept terrorize this forum. Never did.
Again, just a faceless audience for you to yell at. Did you show up at any of the fast food protests? I doubt it.
Every person here probably knows at least 12 people who have received astronomically high bills. Its not really a stretch.
Feel better?
You graduated from MSU, dincha?
Well, there you are fuckhead. What took you so long?
Two whole people!!!
Such a gang.
You should go.
Your only power, is the power of not making a lick of sense.
"So, your little personal account, like mine, doesn't really mean shit."
Do everyone a favor and stay out of politics all together. Those little personal accounts- when that person is you- is all that matters. Is this the carpenter you helped get licensed in the keys?
Would you like people telling you that the drama in your life doesnt matter? I doubt it.
Grow up. It amounts to hearsay. That isn't the way the world operates. Bring some facts to the table not personal accounts. Don't play that ignorant pr shit with me.
No. as a matter of fact it's in another state.
You have absolutely no clue how effective organizing is done, as your comments prove once again.
Which is why its pretty obvious you arent here to listen or learn, but simply to vent your personal frustrations on ....
...wait for it....
more faceless people.
Im shocked.
You're a douchebag that went so far as to make up an individual and attempt to use it as a proof positive. You are doing your part to dumb down 'Merica or you are a victim of it.
I'm thinking a little from column A and a little from column B.
We know for sure you are part of an ONGOING personal, gang style, organized attack on DK.
And true to your heart of hate, you won't say a word about it.
Just pretend it isn't happening.
What the gang decides, stays in the gang, eh??
so you won't say a word.
Just like you won't say a word about your own State community.
Right, so your personal stories are quite important to you, as they should be. Which was exactly my point. They should be. They should be important to EVERYONE.
You don't have a point. You demanded personal experience when you were talking shit to me. You are attempting to use an alleged personal experience as fact here. It doesn't hold water.
The person in question is real, he's a friend of mine since I moved down here.
Nothing will satisfy you, because you simply arent interested in doing anything except finding people to yell at. Keep it at craigslist, word is thats where you really let loose, or at least used to.
I would to see you tell your friend his situation doesnt matter, we need more facts. Have you ever done ANYTHING political at all? Anything? Something? Because you are world class idiot with the way you judge things. Who told you thats effective?
Looks like your body guard showed up.
No body guard.
I just don't like your constant lying.
I resent your calls for community, while you have NOTHING but Disdain for your own and the 99% for that matter.
I could tell you a story of some old friends who were cut off by (R)epelican'ts trying to crush the ACA, but you'll just lie and make shit up, so I won't bother.
Besides, you need a gang to get on.
I don't.
How much did you say Scott's corporation defrauded federal health care for??
You got nothing.
You made up an individual because you are moving into desperation. You are a lyin' conniving asshole.
I have a dozens of stories like that, because I actually listen to people, and I actually go to events and whatnot while you sit on the internet venting your personal frustrations at people.
And like Ive stated before, your views are quite a bit more conservative than mine. Doesnt mean you arent a Democrat, just means you arent too liberal.
So take all your cursing, all your studies, all your other nonsense, and go find something real to do with it.
But unlike you, I wont look at you and simply say GROW UP. Because its prob a bit deeper than that. And everyone is unique.
Find a way to channel this anger into a direction that is actually going to help people, even its only a few. Helping a few is more than 90% of em do, so you should be content with it.
Or you can sit back and demand more studies and facts and do absolutely nothing.
Choices. What a bitch.
I'm just sayin'.
Look in your own backyard, and you will find who/what's really to blame.
How's that PR firm thing going for you? Are you going to show everyone your contracts? Choices, Jeremy, they are such a bitch.
You don't do shit but argue on a computer all fucking day long. I am extremely liberal. You just don't like it when the facts get in the way.
So, take you and your little band of thugs and your fucking pr firm and shove them up your ass.......and I don't care if there isn't enough room because that is where your head is lodged at.
People who always want to keep the issues faceless are the same ones who just simply dont give a fuck.
You have no problem keeping him faceless simply because it suits your purposes. Guess what? Not only is your guy faceless............he's imaginary.
Putting a face on is when the individual becomes the focus. Stepping forward to tell his or her own story. Fuck you.
Tell us, Jeremy. Tell us about your one time at band camp. I'm sure the second verse is just like the first but do it again.
Its not hearsay you fuckin moron its called reality. If you want more studies and facts and ignore the realities in your own community- assuming you know them- then go for it.
It doesnt take a rocket surgeon to figure this shit out.
Glad to see still a cold hearted neo con. People in medical trouble...the last thing they need are people like you speaking at all, on anything. Completely useless. And with your love of studies and facts, I'm going to assume you have never done anything at all with them. Nothing.
So get off your ass and go out and do something.
Have a nice day.
PS- Grow up goes both ways. You want that as advice?
You fucking piece of teathuglican shit. You are attempting to hold up your little one story as proof positive. Take your ass to local PTO meeting where gossiping is highly prized. Now, you want to defend the shit? Fuck you. You lyin' conniving right wing trash.
So was all the insane shit you told me, was all of that bullshit? Was it all a lie?
What insane bullshit? The shit where you sat on the forum and spent your time trying to discuss violence and told me that I didn't know anything about it and I emailed you and said violence occurs on an everyday basis and in ways that it is difficult to comprehend and that it has been normalized. You spent your time trying to focus on personal experience and I gave it to you.
Just who the hell do you think you are fucking with? You think what you are up against is going to deal with a bunch of he said/she said shit? Play that shit at your local PTO meeting. You can deal with rumors. Play that shit with Alex Jones. I promise you that what you are pretending to be up against will dismiss you. They won't even acknowledge your ass. GTFO of the playground of never graduated high school drama shit.
Yes, you are quite liberal as proven by your love of top down power, your support of drug war, war on terrorism, and especially
Your desire to kick out all the immigrants.
How mighty understanding of you. You should run for Congress, you'd fit right in. Just following orders sir!!
How much did Scott's corporation defraud Federal health care for?
Oh, the Libertopian right wing shill is making allegations because of decriminalization. Shut the fuck up and sit down, dirt bag, you fucking worked for a right wing libertopian jack off.
So whose to say your story wasnt totally made up too? The fact that you can take personal stories of people and just throw them in the trash is a bit disturbing.. Typical of you- if it doesnt have to do with GF then it doesn't matter- but disturbing regardless.
No one was talking shit to you, you were probably just being paranoid as usual.
Now go ahead and tell me Im a right winger while screaming that the immigrants need to be deported.
Scrolling through this conversation today, you have some serious fuckin issues.
Believe it. Don't believe it. Doesn't really make a fuck to me one way or the other. Typical of you. You have your own little circle jerk going on.
Again. Fuck you.
Right wing fascist fucking piece of shit.
Wait, you think Rocky is a libertarian? Holy shit, you're even dumber than I thought.
I guess Im getting paid by the greens too then, if helping means employment.
The more your stances are posted for judgement, the more you meltdown.
Its because you are actually pretty cold hearted when its actually put out there. But who wouldnt have seen that coming.
You haven't the foggiest.
You don't think the founders of the libe(R)tarian party are libe(R)tarians.
And I did see that coming.
You've been at for 2 years now.
lying at every turn.
I believed your story, theres a reason your so fuckin angry all the time.
The problem is this type of shit isnt creating any positive change at all.
I'm not angry. You think when I kick you fucknuts in your ass that I'm angry? I'm laughing at you pathetic libertopian right wing shills. Drink another one.
You dont have to buy my shit, I have the body of work to prove it.
You on the other hand have absolutely nothing.
Did you follow the money in N. Carolina yet??
If not?
It's you who has nothing.
Are you proud of what your gang has done?
You shouldn't be.
You should be ashamed.
The only thing you have are paystubs from Rocky Anderson.
Break out those check stubs, Jeremy. Say it loud and proud. Show the world how down you are with the 1%
Back up Says the one who never spend a single night out there. Me arguing with you about protesting is like me arguing with a five year old. Its pretty pointless.
I doubt you do any work with the homeless, and if you do, god bless em. File them reports, its not personal right?
Someone who allegedly works with the homeless is on the internet 24/7 abusing people. Wonderful. You are a real gift to society.
Jeremy, you have nothing to do with Occupy. I don't buy your shit anymore. You can bullshit some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time. The entire concept of Occupy was built on data. People didn't look at Wall Street and say..........'cause I don't like you because someone told me that you were mean and lied.
People supported it because it was real and could be proven with FACT. Farm to table. It is possible and HERE ARE THE FACTS. Rolling Jubilee. FACTS. There is a difference between someone stepping up and telling their story and you making up a story to use as fact. You know this. You are just running around in circles.
Theres nothing obtuse about it, sorry you're confused.
Its all personal. And your lack of personality is very telling of the reason for your anger. Issues are issues, its people like you that turn them all into once heaping report and mail out, thinking "what a great job I did" that are the problem, because you never actually did anything except organize a bunch of shit that we all already know, and then parade around attacking everyone like your some god.
It's people like you that operate with deception that soils the world. You have never had anything to do with Occupy. You have a pr firm. In fact, you worked for a right wing libertopian.
Look, when OWS hit the streets there was back up data that was used or else there wouldn't have been any protest. Standing around using a fictitious person and saying, "This one time at band camp" doesn't get the job done. Either get a legit argument together or get hammered. Again. Doesn't make a fuck to me. Now, drink another one.
I figured you would find something, its not hard. The point is still valid, and once again if you had a clue- because you actually got out once in a while- you would know...
Its all personal stories.
I would love to see you at a GA telling someone who is up there crying and telling their story that no one cares.
This is where you are suppose to pat yourself on the head now.
You're deliberately obtuse. You big lyin' drunk.
haha sure. Only in a deranged world where you are forced to project onto internet posters instead of facing reality would you consider sitting on here venting at people who arent the cause of your problems would you consider this ..
" kick you fucknuts in your ass "
You have issues. Go get some help. This isnt healthy considering.
Edit: When you go around the internet verbally trashing other internet chatters, something isnt right. Whatever it is, I didnt cause it, so go find someone else to abuse.
Projecting? You're an asshat that couldn't debate your ass out of a paperbag. That makes it your problem. Not mine, fucknut. Now, since you obviously seem to have forgotten this tidbit, lemme remind you: we all have friends and if you don't have data your chatta don't matta.
Keep proving my point, train wreck.
You don't have one, asshat.
" if you don't have data your chatta don't matta."
And yet here you are, on an occupy site, supporting a movement that was made of no data whatsoever, just individuals coming together and sharing stories.
Had to have data.
You are one hell of a mess. I wont go into the rest of that message you sent me but I sure do feel sorry for whoever you are around.
I guess when you live on teh internet, nothing is real. Its why you said the personal stories dont matter.
You a fuckin mess, and honestly you have absolutely no clue on what solving things really looks like, because you never give it a shot.
No one is real if this is your main place of emphasis. Its all faceless to you , isnt it?
I suppose I should assume that personal shit you told me about your situation is all made up too, right?
Well I didnt.
Come on out with those pay stubs for Rocky Anderson. Tell us all about organization with your PR firm. Show the world how involved you really are. Tell us about your one time at band camp. Come on, Jeremy.
Are you obsessed with cleaning products?
Someone who wants to deport everyone and curses at everyone and all.
How many on here is that now? I saw you were insulting Kavatz earlier too. Leave no stone unturned I guess. All hail the wrath of Kahn.
My dinner is done. Try spending some time with actual people once in a while. It may make life more enjoyable.
Are you going to show us your pay stubs from Rocky Anderson? Are you going to tell us about your one time at band camp? What's my stance, you fucking libertopian right wing shill?
You can say whatever you like about me, the fact is you want to deport the poor while claiming to be helping the homeless,
And are bitching about some crazy person to the courts while you act like this 24/7 in private.
Like you said about 1000 times, grow up.
Deport the poor?
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You silly lil' drunken libertopian shill.
Drink another one.
How about those check stubs from Team Rocky Anderson?
How about your one time at band camp?
I'll give you a hint- its pretty fucked up.
What's my stance, lil' drunk libertopian shill? must be at the point where you are almost too drunk to do anything more than shoot the shit, eh? Facts R Hard.
You cant state things for yourself?
About how many hours a week do you spend abusing people?
You tell your bodyguard that you can handle this one? haha.
Asks Mr. don't ask me questions, or I'll cry???
Come now, you can do better than this.
Facts R Hard. What's my stance, douche bag?
But, I have multiple times. What's my stance douche bag?
Denying your stance on immigrants?
You neocons are all the same.
What's my stance lil' douche bag?
Come on, lil' right wing can do it. What's my stance?
How many times do you see shit like this and tell people to take their personal shit somewhere else:
You're a fuckin sociopath, if you behave how you act here.
Quite frankly you should be ashamed or yourself for claiming to be working with the homeless and then yelling to kick out all the poor that came here.
Sociopaths join/form gangs to attack individuals, and then feel absolutely nothing for having done that.
they feel so little, they won't even talk about it.
Like it didn't happen.
Now, who would have done a thing like that?
You should stop pretending.
You right wing pathetic lyin' libertopian fucking piece of shit. You got nothing. You had nothing before and you have nothing now. Now, koch whore go back to your master and tell him that you failed.
What would having something imply? That you never spent a single night with the group you claim to understand so well? Thats obvious.
Whats not obvious is why you parade around the internet screaming at the top of your lungs when you claim to be in a position of compassion?
Sounds like you're the one whose full of shit if you ask me.
No one needs help from a hot head like you. How many people you scream at in real life like this?
Dont like it? Stop asking for deportation and start being at least sliiiiigtly compassionate.
You're a gang member.
You have NO compassion.
You had no compassion for those poor disabeled kids in your own State.
You pretty much ignored them. Not a single word of compassion.
Your a gangbanger.
You have no feeling for others.
So says the prostitute for Rocky Anderson. You got nothing.
I didnt think you'd address your stance on the poor.
Much easier to avoid the truth.
You going to call ZD Obama's prostitute? I doubt it.
What's my stance, douche bag? You can do it.
I know, facts R hard.
Time to push the ball through that other sticky, libe(R)tarian wicket.
It's a bad a subject as gun nuttery.
Have you trademarked that term yet? Objectivism is a bitch sometimes.
Awww, another attempt at insult.
Another complete miss of the information given.
Looks like you're the objectivist, that hates the idea of a living wage.
Union Yes!
Let ALL workers collectively bargain for their wage.
Don't tell nobody.
Bluto done it.
DKAtoday @DKAtoday
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Are to Blame for Health Care Premium Increases, and More …
Did U Know?
Bluto done it!!
Can't use the (R) word without sending certain partisans into a flurry of invectives and crazy accusations.
Partisan Shills? Hmmmmm maybe that should be better stated "fanatical".
Tweets are for grandpas. Real men protest in the street.
Ahhh by "your" stated perspective - that does explain "your" continued presence here - Ur saying that Ur not a Man not a "real" Man. Explains much about your self flagellation.
Um.........Grandpa, doesn't even have a cell phone, and can barely find the "on" switch of his daughters computer.
what century are you from? .
And, they are making Americans pay for it with their checkbooks and their health.
Yep. Florida's in there as well.
I can't recall if I posted this yet.
Scott's an under reported piece of work.
This is why I asked Jeremy what his state's response was. It's also why he refused to say.
I find it very curious that folks pushing the concept of community have no idea what's going on in and around their own, nor how that affects the larger community.
I am not curious. A shill is a shill is a shill.
Well, I guess there's always Monsanto, just don't mention Syngenta.
That is curious.
The downside, is stuff like this.
It's like screwing retirees, never gets old with the corporations, no matter how cash flush they are.
They have to pay their vig to WallStreet.
Mr. Potter, has been a wealth of informative truth throughout the ordeal of the ACA implementation.
Excellent article.
His essays, are honest and level headed, so I would have to suppose that's the REAL reason he doesn't get much play around here.
Of course not. Can't let the facts get in the way.
Here's Jim DeMint's quote.
And for good measure the five biggest lies in the World.
Well, against the ACA anyway.
“I cannot think of anything that’s more un-American than national government-run health care,” DeMint said. “Those who believe in those principles of socialism and collectivism we’ve seen over the centuries, they see as their holy grail taking control of the health care system.”
Hmmm...... Makes ya kinda wanna throw a flag over him and have a............blanket party.
There ya go. {:-])
I wonder if he knows that actually, there is nothing more anti-human than the Heritage foundation.
Like ALEC another one of those tremendously damaging "charities", that allows the 1% to pretend like they are generous.
I think he knows exactly.
BIG health care(sic), pays Governor through (formerly)secret PAC, to obstruct the ACA.
"Contributors to Real PAC include Aetna, Humana, Blue Cross, United Health care and other interests that want to keep health insurance premiums and other costs as high as possible. Bryan Long of activist group Better Georgia told Raw Story that the list of donors shows who Gov. Deal really works for."
if big healthcare doesn't like it
it must be good ?
Who said they didn't like it?
They love paying Governors to do their lying for them.
“He goes out and he does their bidding,” Long said, “He’s working for them instead of working for the 650,000 Georgians who don’t have insurance at all or access to the Medicaid expansion.”
“What’s remarkable about this isn’t that there’s money in politics,” he continued. “We all know there’s money in politics. He knew that this was so wrong that he didn’t want to tell anyone. He tried to keep it a secret for two years.”
Do you like it when they do that?
nope I hate waiting to be told if I'm worth anything
That's why he tried to keep it a secret.
So you wouldn't find out.
The cat's out of the bag......................................:)
Dirt bags. Like the shills that work for them.
Yeah, and it's another post the trolls will ignore.
Funny how that happens that way, eh?
It sure is.
Consider that he's the only one who got far.
Perhaps those who've posted so vehemently against it, have been test marketing?
"Because 2014 is an election year, the job then will be to create false or misleading perceptions about the law, and they’ll attempt to do that through the use of selective statistics and anecdotes."
I assume the government will penalize me for not being able to pay
and even if I can get insurance
I still have to pay for a doctors visit
FEMA camps and agenda21, will be all over your bad self.
my dad is getting hearing aids for free from a veterans hospital
I wish that program included everyone
That could also be why, it was so difficult for him to find facts to back up what he was saying.
I noticed a while ago that pre-election PR was gearing up around here, and it wasn't the Dems doing the gearing up.
Ya, it seems to be happening everywhere lately.
Test marketing negative campaign tactics?
Yep. The problem that these freaks have is that it is very transparent. They look like a bunch of uneducated tools.
That's because they are a bunch of uneducated fools, unless of course you consider FLAKESnews et al., an education.
the republicans are fighting the wrong battle to divert more more drastic issues such as getting healthcare to the people
a living wage
free education
the US kill policy in other countries
the take over by cooperate ownership
By making this a center issue, the repubs change the focus of what matters
they are distraction shills
Neither of them have answers because they are already bought out.
They are being bought out for 2014 as we speak.
influence through inane fights gets tiresome to an observant public
And somehow....., although I did point out issues with Gov. Scott, the reality of the attack is clear in Florida.
No wonder a certain, soap opera of the banned, poster, took to attacking you on a personal level, instead of actually reviewing the facts.
Obamacare: New fight, old tactics
Opponents of the healthcare law are following in the footsteps of Southern segregationists half a century ago.,0,3721274.story
40,000 longshoreman quit AFL CIO because of nightmare of obamacare. Thank you liberals and democrats for shoving this fucking mess on America, forever wrecking our healthcare system.
Hey - don't forget to thank - Ya know Boner, Bitch Mc, Lyin Ryan, Can't-or etc etc etc. for their outstanding effort to fuck-up ACA even worse then it was when it was 1st presented for approval.
Obamacare facts separated from spin by Wendell Potter,
Hopefully mental health is covered at 100%, this country could use it.
Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. Good on you. You're progressing.