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Forum Post: Realities on the Ground In Egypt

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:34 a.m. EST by lisa (425)
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[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

They burned the protesters tents before they fired those live rounds into the crowd. (They wanted to be sure they could hit their targets and leave them no place to hide).


[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

The two deaths were from snipers firing live ammunition rounds into the protesters crowd.


[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

The military in Egypt was firing rubber bullets at protesters heads. Photos of some of the more than 200 taken to hospitals. Latest estimates are 1114 injured, most treated in Tahrir Sq.


[-] 1 points by ciavlad (85) 13 years ago

Have you seen the movie DALLAS ?! Do you want to get rid of cunning people (J.R.)!? Vote petition on the Internet : http://wh.gov/jkl

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Military dictatorships, even "temporary" ones have always been a bad idea.... what more need be said.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

The military has drawn up a plan to secure the elections.


It will be interesting how well OWS Election Monitors are received by the mlitary at the polls.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago


OWS still wants to go and help with their elections.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

I knew that was going to happen, sadly.

There's no way the military will let go of their power peacefully.

This may sound paradoxical but if everyone of a certain age bracket were

drafted for a year or so of mandatory military training (including the

upper class!) then things would be a lot more peaceful.

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

feb 2nd in Tahrir was many times worse. 200 dead in a single night. We stood our ground and held the square. was a maniac battle.

came back to nyc and the media here was only talking bout facebook lol.

facebook was the enemy of the revolution.

this lie is what woke me up