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Forum Post: Real honest question of active core members of OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 10:46 p.m. EST by InfoWarrior23 (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Do any of you know or have recently came to the realization that the Federal Reserve is not a part of the Federal Government like you where told it is, but a privately owned group of banking elites that have hijacked our country long ago?

If not why? Maybe because main stream news and government officials did not come out and tell you? I really would like good honest answers.

If yes, would you agree that we need to be steering a movement like this to focus on abolishing Federal Reserve control on our country?

Keep in mind that the Federal Reserve controls everything from "bailing" out the banks, printing money with nothing to back it and has influence on every aspect of what happens in our country, since they have all of the money.

Real honest and well thought out answers please.



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[-] 2 points by InfoWarrior23 (6) 13 years ago

Ok well, no need for anyone to answer. I already have a good idea. After reading a bunch of posts, its pretty clear that at the core of OWS there is a bunch of one sided incredibility ignorant NPR followers that want to do nothing but blame the other side.

You are all being CONNED......you have been lied to just as much by NPR as you have been by FAUX NEWS. All of the MAIN STREAM MEDIA feed you 100% lies. You are all being fooled, both left and right sides are being played against each other when they are both arms of the New World Order.

Here me out, you are being played like pawns. Those in power are just waiting for the right moment. When the right moment hits, all of the government paid provocateurs will come out and not just throw stuff and break windows but they will beat the hell out of you and start an all out war on local law enforcement, after doing this they will declare martial law and lock down all of the cities. Take this as a warning, They have been planning this for a long long time.

[-] 2 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

bring it on...beautiful rant though

[-] 1 points by Gmartine (106) 13 years ago

NPR and FOX are the same in my book. People need to read up on Austrian economics (Mises, Hayek and Rothbard) so that they understand the business cycle and reasons why there is such a wealth disparity.

[-] 1 points by Gmartine (106) 13 years ago

I know full well that the Federal Reserve is the main reason why the poor got poorer and the rich got richer and why our middle class has been wiped out. Unless we end the fed or allow competing currencies EVERYTHING that OWS does or demands is moot.

[-] 1 points by InfoWarrior23 (6) 13 years ago

Well its good to know that some one gets it.....


