Forum Post: Reagan - No Loop holes For Millionaires
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:57 a.m. EST by jeivers
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Even Reagan could not win a GOP primary today - they would tear him down completely!
Ronald Reagan supports OWS!
My point exactly. Things that are now considered far left in this country (i.e. Obama's stimulus bill, healthcare reform, Dodd-Frank) are in fact quite nicely conciliatory center-right policies. Had Obama run on the same platform in 1980 as he had in 2008 and pushed through the same policies in 1989-91 as he did in 2009-11 he would have been the ideal GOP candidate (and president, for that matter).
LOL! Since this mess is in part due to his trickle down economy can't imagine why.