Forum Post: Read This To The End: Capitalize On Overcoming Divide And Conquer.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:12 a.m. EST by zahid
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS: an occupation that is clarifying a fair choice to make good on the time we have on this earth or look back on it all as evidence against you testifying "I told you so but you just wouldn't listen."
There will be no excuses, the corrupt wont "have each others back". Greed and corruption are already steadily working to sell each other out first chance they get. Their unity is cosmetic at best while their hearts remain divided. They come from hegemony of hyper competition and two dimensional pageantry. There words say “that” way and there deeds go the “other way” where there is no room for a liberating paradigm.
Yet some people know there have been good leaders throughout history. There have been eras of decency and morality. The good times are not hard to find. Good men and woman have lived and made a difference. I won't name names here but I'm sure we can all remember some of them, maybe many of them.
The principles they upheld and the values they instilled were a responsibility they took upon themselves first. They did not compete for authority, they received it by default. They were not men and woman who couldn't change the rules fast enough. They were men and woman who stood for an honorable ideal from time immemorial. Their words were not the words of hypocrites. They were not “do as I say not as I do” people. They did not breed confusion. They did not breed complacency. They did not over step their bounds. They did not earn the disdain of simple men and woman. They were our leaders.
Let us pick up were they left off and reject making the mistakes of the past. Let us repeat their call to a way of up right liberty for all of humanity. Give OWS the tools to free the mind of America.
I propose a "boycott" of your television set. Better yet every one with a television set, take it to your local pawn dealer, sell it, donate the money to OWS or pool you money, amongst yourselves. Start OWS co-ops among all demonstrators with member's who are willing to sell their televisions than turn around and pool the proceeds to start a service to remedy a problem or sustain an existing solution. These co-ops could be money making so profits are invested back into the money making product or service oriented co-op. As long as there is a social problem being solved and a moral exchange being sustained. Capitalize on overcoming divide and conquer!