Forum Post: Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as set foth by the United Nations. Then go to this link to find out what to do . Let's move forward.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:47 p.m. EST by Sophia
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone needs to read these especially those in leadership of the movement. It is time now to take a stand by legal means. The following will help determine a definite plan of action. While everyone is in assembly begin to draw up and get petitions signed and start to contact these various committes. Determine what rights have been violated get the signatures and address it with the world tribunal committes. This is how you go over their heads after all this is a World problem and needs to be addressed as so. Someone will have to champion these petitions. Now that we have sent a message its time to act legally before the outbreaks of violence reach a new high. Be smart my brothers and sisters. We have all the Power in Unity. Heres what we can do.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights is at this link: Preamble is covered at this site
Human Rights Violations is at this link: Articles covered: What it means to Violate Human Rights The Various types of Violations Human rights Violations and Intractible Conflict What Can Be done The Question of Humanitarian Intervention Sources of Additional, In-depth Information on this Topic
Get in contact with the United Nations and find out what we need to do! Sophia